live rock algae

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
I am just starting up my first reef tank, right now I am curing the live rock in the tank. Half the rock has been in there for about 2 weeks, I am starting to get brown algae on the rock. Is this a problem? If it it is there a way to get rid of it? I will be adding the rest of the rock in a couple of days. Any help would be appreciated.
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How are your tank parameters (where are you at in the cycle)? Brown algae is the start of your algae cycles, which is all a part of a new tank. Just hang in there and let it do its thing. Are you skimming?
dangal said:
I am just starting up my first reef tank, right now I am curing the live rock in the tank. Half the rock has been in there for about 2 weeks, I am starting to get brown algae on the rock. Is this a problem? If it it is there a way to get rid of it? I will be adding the rest of the rock in a couple of days. Any help would be appreciated.

Try adding some hermit crabs. They'll clean up those brown algaes and other gunks on the rock.
ammonia is still middle-high, I had planned to add some snails and/or crabs when the levels were lower. We just got skimmer running 2 days ago, it was not working properly. When is it safe to add snails?
I've seen snails live in nitrate's of 50ppm. not my tank, thanks!!! I would'nt do it til yr amonia is at 0, but that's just me!!!
dangal said:
When is it safe to add snails?
Wait until ammonia and nitrite are undetectable with your test kits. Wait a few days to a week after that to ensure it remains so and then do a really good sized water change (up to 50%) to get the chemistry back in order and reduce any elevated nitrates. Be sure the new SW used is well aged and aerated a day ahead. Once nitrates are lowered and your satisfied with the chem, begin adding some varying types/species of snails, personally I would skip the hermits. Start off with a small amount of snails, there may be some decent food stuff now but that will diminish as the tank ages and vary based on the bioload. Choose species that will be advatageous to specific needs. All snails are not created equally.. :razz:

Have you had the lights on? If your running the lights that can help algae grow during the curing process. Even with out lights on you'll get some, but with lights off much less. You don't need lights for the curing process of live rock (at least not for a few weeks-I do about three weeks without lights).