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Red you didn't read what I said about having a BIG outbreak, a few may be an easy task. Also you must get the right peppermint shrimp & not the ones that look the same but will not eat them.

I did read what you said. I just didn't agree with it. I have had a HUGE outbreak. I agree it is not easy and will require work.
Lysmata wurdemanni is the correct peppermint shrimp for this. At wetwebmedia we recommend the following:
thanks for the link... i have clowns and shrimp in my tank.. if i put a copperband butterfly in there would he terrorize the other inhabitants?
Copperband will only terrorize feather dusters and maybe take a nip at a coral ever once in a while.
I did read what you said. I just didn't agree with it. I have had a HUGE outbreak. I agree it is not easy and will require work.
Lysmata wurdemanni is the correct peppermint shrimp for this. At wetwebmedia we recommend the following:

Could it be that you've improved your water quality, as Don mentioned & from your article, If you meet these conditions It would be hard for them to grow or survive.

I would be remiss if I did not mention something else concerning these pest anemones. They are like other anemones, and really cnidarians in general; they cannot survive on light and the products of photosynthesis alone. They must be fed to live, grow, and multiply. In many instances, a proliferation of pest anemones should also be a wake up call to the aquarist to reexamine their husbandry techniques. Over feeding or inappropriate feeding, dosing the tank with suspect additives and invertebrate foods, and poor nutrient export processes are all likely contributing factors in many instances where these pests get out of control. A thorough, thoughtful retrospective on the care you provide may yield some additional measures that you can institute or perhaps some refinement of your current practices to help you in this battle by starving the creatures into submission.
In my case the LR arrived with these pests. I have always kept my water quality the same. If your having a water quality issue that definately needs to be addressed.

Jnance: I do recommend shooting some boiling water at the larger ones. This may not kill them, but will usually make them smaller, and more appealing for the shrimp to eat. You can find a small plastic syringe at a medical supply store for around $2. Be sure there is no nearby coral, fish, snails, etc. when you do this.
same problem i have about 100 aptasia in a 150.... im ready to boil,bleach,acid,plutonium my tank.... i have bought shrimpt,bergia about 30 of them umm cbbf nothign works.... i need help dont know what to do...

425-387-3230 in marysville....
how long have you have the bergia in the tank for. they do not go after the visable ones over night it will take about a month to see any dmg that they do! i have a big aptisia problem in my 100 every rock was covered in 2 months every rock was clean. all with 5 bergia's that is the best way IMO for a big out break. they will hide and get into the rock crevises to feed then out to the open. my resale on my live rock was higher as people in vegas knew it was now pest free.
I agree, + 1 for Berghia. I added just 4 to my 75g DT and they have done a great job in eliminating the Aiptasia that I couldn't reach w/ Aiptasia X. I was pest free for almost 15 yrs and never have had a large infestation just a few dozen or so that came w/ a mushroom colony added last summer and as a BONUS a few Mojanos as well ughh. I have only spotted 1 nudi in 2 months but like said they are taking out the unreachable ones and that makes them HEROS in my book. Check out for more info.

Yea it was from (dew2loud1) through david up in Marysville and came in glass jars w/ little pipettes for easy & correct acclimation.
