Live sand - does the source matter?

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Gort said:
Since I'm starting / seeding my tank with ceramic Vida Rock, live sand plus little or no live rock - is it worth it to spring for "quality live sand" from a place such as this?

Live Sand - Reef Aquarium Live Sand From The Live Sandman.

Not sure how much benefit the quality livesand will give you as I often wonder how much is actually "live" in a closed up bag that sits on a shelf for who knows how long lol. I however don't use sand so here's a bump back to the top for you for those out there who have more experience with the livesand you can purchase. In any event, you don't need the live sand to seed your tank. It will become teaming with beneficial bacteria in no time once you introduce anything in there that is given an opportunity to rott and decay. This is the reason for the raw shrimp method. If you want to save on a bit of cost with the sand as well, you can always just buy regular sand and get a cup or two from an established aquarium to help seeding your tank. I know livesand in a bag usually gets pretty expensive. Just a few thoughts. :)
.... and get a cup or two from an established aquarium to help seeding your tank....

Cool - can you drive over and loan me a cup - or is that a "sore" subject? Meds doing better for you now?
I actually purchased a small bag of LS for my new tank, I don't think it is necessary to have a whole buch of the stuff but a little should do the job. Sand does well compared to LR which doesn't have as much surface area for bacteria. JMO but you can do with regular dry sand and as Krish said and get a cup form someone to seed it. One thing about that, it will take longer to cycle then a BB tank with just LR and to fully mature it will take maybe a year but well worth it.
i wouldnt waste your money on live can easily get a cup from a fellow reefer or put some of your sand in an established tank in a media bag while you wait to set up your tank.. you can also buy a small peice of live rock to seed your sand by just placing it on the sand as well. then take the rock out later and sell it back or just give it to someone else who is starting new
Yeah, just find someone close enough to you to make it a reasonable drive and swap some sand with them. I would offer fresh dry sand and not something from your own tank though. Personally, I wouldn't have any problem giving you some of my sand to seed your tank but if my tank was in good shape I wouldn't want any wet sand from your tank. You never know what might be in there. On the other hand, if you give me quality dry sand I've got no qualms about dumping it in because there's no life in it, good or bad. My critters are going at the dry stuff like a new addition on the house.

ill be at a red sea aquarium on sat for the NSR meeting i will give you a media bag full it has been chilling in my refugium for 7 month so it ill be loaded with life !!!!!
ill be at a red sea aquarium on sat for the NSR meeting i will give you a media bag full it has been chilling in my refugium for 7 month so it ill be loaded with life !!!!!

That sounds like a great offer - thanx!! What time is the meet?
..... On the other hand, if you give me quality dry sand I've got no qualms about dumping it in because there's no life in it, good or bad. My critters are going at the dry stuff like a new addition on the house.


Hey Mike - I just may take you up on that. I could swing by Barrier Reef and/or Sierra on that trip.


IMO, just another marketing gimmick..dont waste your money on this stuff..all sand will become live at some point..just get a cup of so from another reefer and then wait a couple of wks..

IMO, just another marketing gimmick..dont waste your money on this stuff..all sand will become live at some point..just get a cup of so from another reefer and then wait a couple of wks..

That's the way I'm going to do it - thanx. Not like I don't have to wait those couple of weeks anyhow!!
Gort, get yourself a bunch of dry sand, and seed it, with a few cups of live sand. You've got LOTS of members, in your area, who would be happy to donate a cup of sand. It'll save you lots of money and your sand bed will be thriving with life, in no time.

Sid - sounds like good advice - thanks.
Your LFS should be able to sell you some grunge or buy it on-line. Bagged sand, yeah, wash it in fresh water --- let it sit --- and wash it again.
