Looking for any puget sound starfish

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Need Starfish: Dead or alive as long as they are fresh or frozen.
Will swap for any pacific starfish or even fresh frozen chocolate chip, linkia or sand sifter.
PM if you have any...

I have 10 live linckia starfish.....for Harlequin shrimp food....LMK if your interested....aloha Les
wow, i'm just impressed you could even catch dungies that are worth your time off the pier. good to know.

Good luck finding some feeders mike, i'll keep an eye out for you.

Yo Workaholic (Tom), good to meet you at the frag swap man!!! Wish we would have had more time to swap reef stories!

So, we get some amazing Dungeness Crab off of the pier at Des Moines, seriously. Don't want to tell anybody though...oops...too late now...yuk, yuk, yuk. We also get some pretty nice "Red Rocks" which are pretty sweet to eat.

I'm hoping to get so starfish for Mike once the crabbin' season opens up.

Take 'er 'ez Tom

Greg Patton

wow, i'm just impressed you could even catch dungies that are worth your time off the pier. good to know.

Good luck finding some feeders mike, i'll keep an eye out for you.

Season opens up in July Mike

So Mike here's the link:

and states:
CRAB: Dungeness and Red Rock Crab, all fishing methods;


Will open 7:00 a.m. July 1, 2009. Will be open Wednesdays through Saturdays only, plus the entire Labor Day weekend. Closes the evening of September 7, 2009 for catch assessment.

Last Updated: May 1, 2009

After that, you are gold, I'm sure we'l pick up some starfish at that point. I'll keep you posted!

Greg P
Thanks for the heads up greg, I actually was looking up the fishing season just after posting that lol. Looks like I know what i'm doing july 1st :).

If I get any stars i'll be sure to save a couple and freeze em for ya mike.

Thanks all! I plan on making a thread on how to train H shrimp to eat defrosted star legs. I have done this with froz Choc chips before.
I might scuba dive Mukilteo over the 3 day weekend........got any softy corals from your tank to trade for dripping wet fresh starfish?

PM me if interested.
Star Fish Food for your Harly

Hello Mike,
Latest update for ya...
We went out to Des Moines for a really low tide yesterday at 12:13pm. It was a -3.8...and at Des Moines pier area much of the bottom normally under water was exposed. BTW, we saw tons of goey duck necks sticking out!

That being said, I saw many starfish! There were naturalists from the Seattle Aquarium out there so I asked if it was OK to harvest a few starfish...ready to put them in my bucket to freeze for you Mike. They said absolutely not and seemed offended that I would ask. After that they had a eagle eye out for anybody putting stuff in their buckets.

So the question is...anybody know if this is true about starfish harvest? I was trying to hook a brother up...but don't want to be in "hot water" with the authorities. Pls lemme know if you know of different rules RF dudes and dudettes.

Yes you need a saltwater fishing permit to collect them (just to correct an earlier poster about you can collect 2-3 no harm.....)

Rules and Regs:

go all the way to the bottom on the link below, your daily limit is 10, and you can't collect from a State Park.


We didn't go diving this last weekend, but will be doing scuba out of Mukilteo in the next weekend or two. Let me know what you want. PM me
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Thanks pal! The ecology police go overboard on protection. Starfish are so far from being endangered it is ridiculous. In fact, they predate on things that are becoming less prolific such as clams and oysters. If you have a licence, they are good to go.

Within any WA state park, harvest is a no no of about anything other than your own litter.
Outside a park, the limit is 10 per day.
Aquarium beach naturalists interpret at marine preserves, which includes some city parks as well as state parks. Seattle parks that are at least 50% marine preserve are Carkeek, Golden Gardens, Discovery Park, South Alki, Me-Kwa-Mooks, and Lincoln Park. I know that parts of Redondo and Des Moines Beach are also included. Either way, there should be signage marking the marine preserve boundaries. There is no collecting except for hook & line fishing in those areas.
I was able to go scuba diving in the Sound this last weekend, and collected 2 huge purple starfish that were promptly put in my freezer within only a couple hours of the dive.

I know a couple local Seattle reef keepers were wanting them for food for their tanks' critters, so I collected them for YOU!

PM me if you're interested in a couple arms/legs, or a whole starfish.

Maybe we can meet up somewhere to trade some Soft Corals or zoo's for the starfish, or I can ship USPS for cheap and I take paypal.
I would only need one but currently am still looking for my shrimp. Has been missing for a few weeks, hope it's still alive. Will keep you informed

I would only need one but currently am still looking for my shrimp. Has been missing for a few weeks, hope it's still alive. Will keep you informed

Hey, I am curious, how big of a tank do you have and what kind of critters are you feeding the starfish to? Are these a delicacy or a regular diet for someone?