Looking for Sump advice/direction

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Sep 20, 2004
This is probably a few months away still, but its never too early to start planning.

I have a 135 FW setup at the moment and will be converting it over to a Reef setup. This is the current sump system I am running:


I would like advice on what to do with this. Can I salvage any of this? I know the bio media has to go. Can I just put live rock in that? the current pump I have only flows 900 gph. I do have a spare 29g tank. Should I remove this sump and convert my 29g to a sump? Should I run a 2nd pump?

Any direction based on what you see would be great!
900 gph would be great for a return to your tank. I dont ess any reason why you couldn't use that sump with some cleaning.
Yeah man, that sump, minus the bioballs, add a couple of tunze streams or a hang on the back closed loop. Get a insump skimmer and there you go. Steve
Thanks for the replies. Thats what I was hoping to hear.

I used to have a dual return overflow box that I think flowed 1400gph. It cracked so its currently replaced with a single overflow return that is only rated to about 800gph. Which is fine for my fresh water setup. So when I convert over to Salt, should I repair my dual return and run that or should I buy a 2nd single return and place it on the other side of my tank?

Is my theory flawed that if I have two 800gph overflows then it would support up to 1600gph?

Any recommendations on a in sump skimmer to support 135g tank?