Losing Fish... no idea what's wrong!

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2006
Seabeck, WA
I have lost three fish in two days, a clown tang, a kole tang, and one of my picasso clowns... now the other of the mated pair is turning pinkish on his white part.

Water params seem fine, Temp 77degF, Sal 1.026, Ca 410, Alk 10dkH, Mag 1400, (NO2 zero, NO3 zero NH4 zero, PO4 zero, well all near zero). I have done two 20% waterchanges. Clowns both in tank for a year, the others lost about a month. All coarls are doing great except one of my goniopora (green), the ORA red is fine. 200gal system volume, lots of live rock. Did a sand cleaning a couple weeks ago. A bit of a diatom breakout along glass at sand level.

I am starting to panic... other fish, filefish, sandsifting goby, orange spot rabbit, and leopard wrasse seem fine but everyone very skittish the last week.:sick:
Well until we ca narrow this down I would start with regular water changes and perhaps active carbon. This will at least give some deterrent if there is a pollutant in the water column.
Yep, already put some fresh carbon in my sump. Water changes to continue but I will be gone for most of a week on business starting Sunday. Not a good time to have the wife have to feed/monitor. She is not happy that I am leaving a sick tank.
The two tangs were flashing the sand before they died. Nobody else is doing it now though but they are a wrasse, rabbit, and a big goby. The clown does have some 'fuzz' on its fin extremities.
I would look into marine velvet possibly or the scientific name is amyloodinium. Check out google and let us know if you find it is similar.
Yeah been reading... going to set up a hospital tank for my clown. My guess is it is too late. But I think I need to isolate from the others. He is probably the only one I can catch anyways.
Sorry to hear Mark :doubt:. You didn't by any chance flash those fish with your zipper down huh?? :p. All kidding aside, maybe Kirk might be able to toss some ideas your way. I think I remember him losing a bit of fish at one point and is stocking back up now so maybe he may have a suggestion for you. I'll send him a quick note to peek in here to see if there is anything he may be able to add.

Sorry again man...Hope you get it all figured out. :)
Thanks Krish... not for the xyz jab but yeah I plan to PM Kirk. I think I will now finally get regilious about using my QT tank prior to ANY new introduction! I just hope my others survive... I am very bummed and I have to leave in about 36hours until Friday. Clown is being transferred in a few minutes to the hospital. I have to find some copper ASAP.
I already sent him a pm, but I see he isn't online now so I guess we'll have to wait till he gets here. :)
I have no idea where seabeck is but if you have a hard time finding copper I have some you are welcome to. I am in Seattle.
How deep is your sand bed? Describe how you did your "sand cleaning." Since you ended up with a diatom bloom, after the sand cleaning, I am assuming you did a pretty major disturbance, of the sand bed. It could be that you disturbed the sand bed TOO MUCH, and released some toxins that were locked into the sand.
Depending on what he's testing for, and how accurate his test kits are. Sulfur could have been released, and may or may not show up on test kits. There's all kinds of nasties that are locked in our sand beds, especially deep sand beds, that aren't meant to be disturbed. For the life of me, I can't remember any of their names, besides sulfur, but they're all on the tip of my tongue... :tongue: See them?
pretty good info on sand beds:

Deep Sand Bed -- Anatomy & Terminology - Reef Central Online Community

If no new fish was added recently, I would have to think disturbing the sand bed is a potential cause of the problem (ammonia and nitrates come to mind that are released and can be deadly).

I see three resolutions:

1. Do nothing, and let it work itself out
2. Keep doing massive water changes 30-40% every 3-5 days
3. Move all fish over to QT and treat accordingly and let tank work itself out over 4-6 wks.