Low Calcium + high KH = floppy coral???

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emerald crab
Jul 3, 2010
Kirkland, Washington
so this last weekend i picked up some cabbage leather coral and yesterday i picked up a Kenya tree frag. Both are in the tank right now, and both are kinda flopped over, the cabbage more so than the Kenya tree. When i noticed today that they were both still floppy, i was getting worried so i checked my water levels, thinking it could possibly be that. Everything is at a good level other than my calcium, which is a bit low (around 300-340), and the KH, which is way too high. Oh and the pH is just a tad bit high, at around 8.4-8.5, but im working on lowering that. Could the corals possibly be floppy cuz of the low calcium and high KH?? and what can i do to balance those levels?? Thanks
Cal 300-340 is low. What is ALK level ? What kind of test kit you use to test, it could read faulty sometime. If test kits error rule out then you can check Mag level and try balance that too, it will help with your alk and Ca.
You can lower pH by adding CO2 or Soda water (Seltzer) or Distilled white Vinegar
Im not sure what my ALK level is, my test kit doesnt come with it, I have an API reef test kit (I got it as a gift when I first started the tank). :/
+1 on the water change.
Low calcium isn't really going to affect leather corals all that much.
However that high of alk could.
How old are the test kits?
Your PH is not high and I'm doubting the whole test process. The only way your ph could get high is if you overdosed something to make it that way. Do some water changes but get your water tested with real test kits.

Okay, this is a little confusing.

In your first post, you mention that your KH is way too high.

In your second post, you mention that you don't know what your Alk is, since your test kit doesn't have a test for it.

In your third post, you mention that your KH is 12 or above, dkH.

I think you need to do some research into Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium, and into the relationship all 3 of these have, with one another.

The main reason I suggest you do some research is because KH IS Alkalinity. They are one in the same.

Don't change anything, until you understand what you're doing. Do water changes, but nothing else.

Get some quality test kits, such as Elos or Salifert, for Ca, Alk, Mg and pH.

Learn what each of these are, what they do, in our tanks, and how they work, in relationship with one another.

Here's a great place to start the learning process. Read ALL of the stickies, then read them all again!
Kenya's are pretty much bullet proof... and your going to find out that they spread light wild fire in cally....

agreed with not doing anything.. get a lil better understanding b4 you do anything else... and make sure your doing proper water changes.... and for all sake do not add anything to your tank (dosing) until you fully understand how much you need
Well the test kit is pretty new, I guess its just a crappy kit. I'll have to get better ones. Hmm yea I guess I'll have to look into this stuff more and do some research on the chemical stuff. I totally thought that KH meant hardness and that Alk was something different. Oh and I also said it was too high and then said that it was at like 12 dKH or above because I read in some other places online that the dKH should be like between 7-10...thats why I said it was high. But I guess I'll just do a couple of water changes and and research more into the stuff before I do anything else. Thanks for all the help everyone! I really appreciate it:)
Not to hijack this thread but i am actually have the same situation. I have a finger leather coral that has not polyped out in about 4 days. I took a full set of tests tonight and the results are below. We have another rock with purple poci, anthilia and some gabbage corals that have receeded as well. It shouldn't be the parameters as you see below. We did have a Sea Hare dies in the tank a few days ago after only being in it for about a week. We got it our as soon as we noticed it hadn't moved for a white but it might have been dead for a few days. Nothing had eaten on it though. What do you guys think?

Sg 1.025
dKH 10.0
PH 8.3
Ca 430
Mg 1300
Temp 79.1
Last water change was 2 weeks ago, 20% (15 gal)
Leathers change with the conditions and at times will shrink back sometimes due to changes. Whether light, flow, parameters, etc. Sometimes they will shrink back as a way to clean themselves. They shrink then expand and shed there coverings sometimes in a mucus exfoliation. So I wouldnt be to worried unless it keeps deteriorating.