LPS hammer coral missing??

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Bring on the FISH!
Jul 8, 2008
Spokane Valley, WA.
Everything looked fine this morning. I cam home to half my hammer missing and the one that is still there looks just fine. What the heck happened?
Did a water change on Saturday
Changed the carbon Saturday after the water change
Salt level is at 1.023
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrites 0
Ph 8.2
I don’t have any fish that should be picking at this kind of stuff and have not seen anything picking since its been in the tank for a few weeks. What do you think?

What is your Mg and Ca levels??

did a powerhead slip and spray directly on that side of the hammer???
Well I did not check ether. They have been stable every time I do test them at 11dkh and 380 – 430 on the ca and 1200 on the mg. I’m just lazy to check those today. Had to work in the yard. It takes longer to check those 2 then to check every thing else. I only have 3 little frags in the tank so nothing to really take up any calcium at this point. No a power head didn’t come off and nothing has changed other then I forgot to turn on the lights until 1pm today but that’s about it. By 4pm it was gone. I mean really it looked great when I turn the lights on and then poof. I would think if a fish was picking at it the hammer would have just retracted into the skeleton, that its like it jumped out and is just not there not even a sign of it in that branch.
I had a green tip purple hammer about half a year ago do the same thing. It started dropping heads one at a time with no explaination until all four were gone. It was the only coral in my whole tank that had any bad effects, and there were other hammers just a matter of inches away that did fine. Had green candy canes do it before also a few months before that.
When stressed, I have heard they can 'drop heads' you might want to look in some of the corners of the tank where things can be blown by powerheads you might find it. I found one loose in my tank during the fiasco of my build but gluing it didn't work and I lost it again.
Well I wonder if it got stressed out doing the water change. I looked around the tank but I don’t see it any ware. If it slid back into the caves Ill never see it again unless It happens to get blown out by some tail wash. I had a chance to check the dkh and it is reading 11dkh. Is it possible for it to spike and then come down in a few days? It use to run higher like 14-15dkh but since I started using RODI water it’s been reading 11.
I had a peppermint shrimp eat one of mine, what live stock do you have?
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I only have 3 skunk cleaner shrimp and a coral banded shrimp and I never see them in this part of the tank.
Currant list
2 mated pair 3 Stripe Damsel
1 bicolor blenny
1 blonde naso tang
2 blue damsel
1 blue hippo tang
3 skunk cleaner shrimp
1 clown goby yellow
1 coral beauty angelfish
2 fals percula clownfish
2 firefish goby
8 green chromis
1 yellow eye kole tang
1 lemon damsel
1 mandarin dragonet green
3 sharknose cleaner goby
2 pajama cardinal
1 royal dottyback
1 bicolor royal dottyback
1 royal gramma
2 azure damsel
2 mated pair yellow damsel
1 yellow tail damsel odd guy out.
1 bristletooth tomini tang
1 scopas tang
1 yellow watchman goby
1 vlamingi tang
1 yellow wrasse
200 assorted snails and hermit crabs
1 small xenia frag
5 mushroom green (unknown name)
1 yellow soft coral (unknown name)
1 green star polyp frag
2 devel damsels
torch coral
hammer coral ½ is missing
candy Cain
3 fether dusters
1 green eye favites
1 galaxea
I think that’s it but I could have missed something.
Okay this is just friggin weird!
30 minutes ago I turned on the lights and everything looked fine. Hammer is out and looking good. I come back in 30 minutes to feed the fish and check the skimmer, POOF. It like a magic trick. The hammer is just gone. What the heck is going on?
Is it getting irritated by something and totally retracting? When the tissue is gone it looks way different. Its just the hard calcium boney thing.
Its completely gone. One branch left town the other day and now the second is gone. It’s not retracted its completely jumped ship. I guess it all doesn’t matter realy now since it history but sure would like to know what it was that caused it. I thought hammer was easy to care for but I think I should just stick to fish and softies.