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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2009
Coeur D Alene, Idaho
Well a couple days ago my pair of Clowns began showing signs of Lymphocystis(they are currently the only fish in the tank luckily). It happened almost immediately after they began hosting my large Torch Coral. There were no other variations in my water parameters as I checked them a few days before and as soon as I saw the first spot on the larger fish. As far as I am aware there is no medication to combat the virus; so, now that I have my own RO/DI unit set up I have begun a vigorous regiment of water changes. Today I did a 25% and plan on doing small changes daily to keep water quality as good as possible over the next few weeks. I am thinking a few gallons each day as it is a 55gallon tank. I have tried using garlic in with their food as well. However, they refuse to eat the actual garlic pieces, I am able to get the liquid from the garlic into their food at least. So far just with these couple steps in the last couple days I have been able to get the largest lump off my female clown. Hopefully this regiment will help their natural immune systems up and beat this nasty little virus quickly with little stress to my new babies :cry:. Since I haven't seen much about this illness on RF I will post many updates on how things go to see if my reading on how huge having perfect water conditions can help with fighting this virus.

I'd suggest posting this on Lee's Fish forum. You'll get some great advice from Lee. Are you sure it's Lymphocystis and not that the Clowns got stung by the Torch Coral? Being as how it's viral, any idea where they got it, or how it was introduced into your tank? If it is indeed Lymphocystis, you'll want to watch for, and possibly treat for secondary bacterial infections.
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At first I figured it was just a sting, but as the patches moved towards a coliform look it was apparent as to what it was. The only thing I can think as to how it was introduced to my tank was that one of the two clowns had a slight case of it and perhaps stings from the torch was the stress needed to lower the fishes immune system enough. I really can't think of any other reason it would have gotten into my tank as I never add water from anything I purchase into my tank and they are the only fish ever added. So just dumb luck I suppose.
I had an angel get this and the research I did indicated that poor water conditions and/or poor nutrition were contributing factors to the outbreak i.e. the virus was there but some other stressor brought it out. Fortunately it does not seem to be contagious (the other fish in QT with the angel never got it).

I just started being faithful to every other day water changes (this was a QT under hypo) and feeding several times a day and it cleared up with no lasting problems. In fact I still have the angel several years later :) (see avitar picture)

I decided it was lymphocystis after seeing post #7 in this thread
No changes today just some healing from the couple growths they have expelled. Their behavior is normal, they even dug out a new nest underneath the torch coral.

krisfal, I read that they now believe it is contagious. However, a lot like a cold you have to have something else help weaken the immune systems "a stressor".

I do have one new question. Would adding a variety of cleaner shrimp help them not only clean their wounds but also to remove the growths? Or would this just be wishful thinking to even have the fish accept cleaning? Although perhaps an added bioload would negate any benefit it would have.

If the diagnosis is right: Correct, there is no known cure. Just provide the best foods and nutrition and water quality. These fish are omnivores and also need to be fed marine algae.

It is believed to be contagious, so until it goes away, I would suggest not introducing any other marine lifeforms.

However, I’ve known the Neon Blue Goby (Elacatinus oceanops) to actually eat it off of some fishes. But please don't get this fish just for this purpose. It will go away if you provide good nutrition and water quality.

Good luck.
Oh I'm not worried anymore. It was just one of those things where at first as I am running all the marine illnesses through my head I was kinda freaking out till I found it. My frown is more about my dumb luck to have my fish get it. This thread is more to reassure my actions and also get a thread on the virus for the forum :).
So this is my second try to get the clowns to eat the marine algae. I have been reading through your tips on presentation but am still have trouble. They are very selective with wanting to eat any off of the sheet it's self. They only seem to go after the small pieces that break off occasionally. I moved it closer to my water flow in hopes more pieces will break off and entice then to go for the main sheet since this is how they learned to eat their frozen foods. Any suggestions?
Well they decided to start spiting out the little pieces now as well. So I purchased some Formula 2 and they are much more receptive to it. Other than that they seem to be progressing.
As of yesterday I am currently seeing no signs of Lymphocystis on either clownfish. I performed my daily water changes as I had planned all the way up to Saturday and Sunday. I will be performing one today and then again in 3 days. After which I will go to weekly changes for a couple weeks then back to my normal 2 week rotation if all goes as planned.

I had read a lot of folks saying it took up to a month to cure the virus in QT tanks but I seriously feel that is simply because most QT tanks aren't set up to handle much of a bio load. Making it so even daily water changes can't keep the water quality as good with proper feedings. So I really lucked out to have this happen when I only had two fish in my main tank and was able to achieve really great water quality and still get a lot of different foods into the clowns.

So right now my male clown seems to only have a couple tattered scales. The female has some damage to her fins and is still healing from where the largest lump fell off on her back half, however, she is doing awesome and healing quickly with no signs of fungal infections :)!