mag level??

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Nov 6, 2008
Tacoma wa.
whats the proper level to have in a tank?
I got a test kit now and the MAG is at 1200
is this good or bad???
calcium is at 400
KH is 10
Sound good??
1300-1400 is a good target to keep it at.
Your numbers looks good to me although your DKH is a point higher than I'd like. I keep mines at 8-9dkh
so I'm a little low??
I gotta go get something to raise it to 1300-1400
Whats the cheapest and or best??
was ocianic but I have two 160g buckets of "instant ocean" in the mail now
And I dose "C-Balance" once a day! 5mls per 20 gallons
I have around 55 galons total so I dose 15 mls part a & 15 mls part b
Tech M is the stuff I use, believe me, it works !!!

but watch your Ca level.
Perfect !!

you are golden !!

As far as this
bulkreefsupply's mag suppliment is pretty low cost.
There's a write up about using a combination of the magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate-

I tried this in my tank to fight bryopsis and it did not do anything. However, when I used Tech M, I noticed die off in days; there is something in Tech M that works.
I'm seeing new starts of new heads on my LPS's. Noticed a tiny one on my branching puple tip hammer and 4 new heads on my candy canes today.
YEAY, I've finally got GROWTH of corals besides softies and zoos
excellent...since I've got my Mg level back to 1300 (from 1900-bryopsis treatment), I've noticed my RBTA is starting to split !!.
I thought 1500 was good /for that treatment

excellent...since I've got my Mg level back to 1300 (from 1900-bryopsis treatment), I've noticed my RBTA is starting to split !!.

Anyway I dose Mag flake/espom salt and use 24 oz daily in a 265 gallon tank with 75gallon sump about half full.mag@1470 Is it normal to have such a demand for mag daily?
mag@1470 Is it normal to have such a demand for mag daily?

I could be that your having to dose daily because your trying to hold it at an elevated level. Let it drop down to 1350 which is closer to NSW and you might be pleasantly suprised that you dont need to dose often at all. With regular WC's you shouldnt need to dose Mg all that often.
byosis algae?

I could be that your having to dose daily because your trying to hold it at an elevated level. Let it drop down to 1350 which is closer to NSW and you might be pleasantly suprised that you dont need to dose often at all. With regular WC's you shouldnt need to dose Mg all that often.

I have it elevated due to what I think is byosis,a cross between hair algae and snot I was siphioning out every two weeks into a filter sock then returning the same water to the tank,only to have it return in two weeks so I hear hi mag. will do it in.:badgrin: