majano anemonies, one more time...

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Smart Bass
Jun 27, 2006
Mill Creek, WA
No doubt the subject has been covered thoroughly, but I am a bit new. Much of the rock I got from the guy who's acrylic tank blew out, came with many many many majano anemonies. Most reddish, a few green. I have mostly softies besides some candy cane which I will have to protect. Do I need to kill them all off? Seems a lot of differing opinions.

If so, what is the best injection to date. Will have to do part at a time to not overpower the filtration.

Thanks in advance for your generous help
I killed as many as I could get to and left a few of the cool green ones. A person has to make sure that they take it or it will come back. Its almost like a skill :S

I had a few aptasia that I got and I learned that it only takes a little and no power heads running.

You will need a small syringe for application.
kill them I wish I would have!!!!!!!!!! they are a pain to remove multiply by the thousands. I have been invaded and I off to war!!!!!!
Was taking out some unnecesary rock to make trapping room for catching my beautiful Coral Beauty I have kept for over 4 years, who in the last couple weeks developed a taste for Kenya, Xenia and now pecking on polyps.

Found a few Mojano's stuck to the side of the glass.
First 3 down, 300 to go! The assault always begins with a small engagement.

"I have met the enemy..."
I have read that the injections are risky to corals, is this true ?? will a nudibranch take care of these pests ??
As far as I could tell from reading the threads, the nudis and peppermint shrimp are great with aptasia, but worthless on Mojanos. The angels that will eat these, will eat anything and that is a no no. The Joe juice seems to be reef safe, we will see. (maybe in everyone elses reef but mine)
killing them should be a last resort.

but joe juice, if used properly, will kill them in about a half a second.


this joes juice stuff kills plant life in a heatbeat, you will be upset if the juice flys over to your prize, coral and kills it.

allso peppermint arnt saying s. i have 2 and there more intrested in eating the food from my brittle stars legs then the aptasia.

i have aptasi, that ive killed, all but one keeps comeing back .

im most likely gonna leave it
What do majono (sp?) anemones look like? I know aptaisa and boy can peppermint shrimp handle that in no time flat!

I looked in gallery and couldn't find pic?
Picture of Moj. anemonies

Majano anemonies color ranges from reddish (most of them) to green.
Here are a picture of a couple. They are 1/4 inch to as big as as an inch+ in diameter.
burning2nd said:
killing them should be a last resort.

COME ONE COME ALL and get your free Majanos. Free with any bio-ball purchase. Today only, you get the common cold and hair lice at no additional charge :lol: :lol:

Seriously, what are the prior resorts, transplantation? Herding them? Harsh language? Unless Im very confused, think they have to go.
You could do what some people do, sell them on ebay as "miniature anemone's" for five bucks a pop, plus $30 dollars for over night shipping of course!
Hey now thats an idea :D

no realy Joes Juice will work great for you IF you can get to them. Mine seem to pop up in the areas I cant get to.
I can sure get to enough of them for now. By my estimate, must be over 100 of the little buggers and they move around too. Reef cockroaches!

( Uploaded a pic and brief to common hitchhiker string.)
Racoon butterfly will eat them all within 3-4 days,,i used to have thousand fo them in my tank,,this fish will take care it then you can trap it out.
Dang, they will eat the Majs and leave the coral alone? You are talking about Majanos and not just Aptasias?

How do you net them?

I'm still trying to catch my munching coral beauty, a very hungry yet shy fish. Nibbles on most yet avoids the majanos!!!
The CB sleeps in the rocks in back of the reef at night and hides when the top is open. Might try a trap.
just take little time to trap him out with mysis schrimp,,worked for me twice.he will nip on Zoo,candy cane ,frogspawn,hammer,lether coral etc,,but not the sps.