makin diy rock

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one larg lps
Dec 20, 2005
spokane w.a
so I have checked out some sites that were talking about the diy rock .OMG some of the tanks were so cool . the walls and floor wow.BUT the question is what works best what ways are proven more natural lookin.And kuring hmmm input needed thank mr lookin to save where can.
Make sure you use type 3 white portland cement, that is key. I have made many different peices with lots of different recipies. I really like using chrushed oyster shell in the mix(can be purchased at feed stores) because it is so cheap and it's alot lighter in weight than aragonite. Through trial and error my current ratio for the mixture is 1 part cement, 1 part crushed aragonite, 2 parts crushed oyster shell. Just thought I'd share my experienced knowledge:)
good idea willing to try it and what was the temp out side when u mad it and how formable was the pieces would like some crazy as pieces
I made mine in Phoenix summer. It was a few years back, but I made them with Agrocrete that looked like real thick mud. I mean real thick. That way i could make any shape i need. Caves were most fun. we used the rubber glove method that Ed P used on GARF. Those articles are very good.
Dilluting 1 cup of distilled viniger to every gallon of freshwater speeds the curing process. Also, (spray nozzle hose) rinsing then drying the rocks out between water changes is useful. I am a cement mason by trade and I specialize in coatings and patching repair so I've got the inside scoop on the characteristics of curing cement;) I have made my favorite pieces by using acrylic rods as "rebar" and leaving a 5 or so inch piece exposed to use as a dowel to joing 2 or more rocks together. I have thought about trying to sell some rock that I have made but it would probably be pointless seeing as how the stuff is so easy to make yourself:)
does anyone know where to purchas portland #3 in spokane ziggys is to close minded to have it so any suggestions
no dont think so hey whats the diff between portland #1,2,3 just wondering not even premix knew huh wierd carry it and dont know that goes with the sayin I just work here l.o.l.
Type 3 is white cement. That is all;) You probably won't find it unless you go to a specialty supply yard. You can use type 1-2 but the color of the cement makes the diy rock stand out for much longer in your tank. When using type 3 (white) the freshly cured rock almost looks like the real stuff. Well, mabye not on your first atempt:lol: Good luck:D