male bluetrhoat in reef?

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awsome fish matt. they are suppose to be one of the least aggresive of the triggers. Ive wanted one for my reef but am still afraid with the sexy shrimp. I do have a niger in another tank that also hides. he only comes out to feed.
sexy shrimp may be a problem. Cleaners/fire/peps will be OK.

if you get it small (2-4") the sexy shrimp should be OK. He will learn they are not food as long as you feed him. Make sure he learns that you mean food and not the inhabitant in the tank :)
Sexy shrimp never get over an inch and I would be leary of adding those or pepps to a tank with anykind of trigger. Skunk or scarlet cleaners would be a different story but I would make sure they are large and only introduce them after the trigger has beded down for the night. A floating shrimp would be considered a meal.
I think steve is right on this one, only large shrim will be okay and anytime they are out floating in the water they will get eatin.
My Naso ate 2 pepermints on when I put them it the tank, I had a net in the tank to make him hide be he is just too comfortable with me being in his tank he wont hid..

since the sexy shrimp are there before, i really dont think it will be a problem. I was holding a pair of bluethroats in my system and put them in the same tank with some grass shrimp. They didn't eat them! Only when i took them out and put them back in did they chow them. i doubt your sexy shrimp will become a meal... keep the BTT well fed and you should be OK.
sometimes things will not eat other things right away. over time a forgotten feeding and and as emeril says "BAM" your cute little shrimp are as good as gone.