mantis shrimp question

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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2007
Los Angeles
i just bought a peacock mantis shrimp..very color, its place in a 20 gallon glass tank. the glass is a bit smaller than 1/4 inch, what the chance of that he might break the glass??? any advice would help ..thanks
it is a 50/50. some i would say just get a thicker glass or aclirck and transfer to that tank.
a peacock mantis? They are pretty big right? Cool. Glass tank, wow I wonder about that. Did you talk to Curtswearing yet?

Nice to meet you.
I am not a mantis expert but have had a few. I would say you will not have a problem. Keep them fed and they are very easy going

Planet Reef is a LFS I'm temporarily managing. When I'm on the LFS computer, I'm Planet Reef. (Customers use my profile to search the library and I don't want them seeing my PM's).

When I'm at home, I'm Curtswearing.
the mantis shrimp seem to be doing okay, i feed it freshwater feeder ..small feeder.. 2 to 3 a day.. the only time i hear him smash the glass is when he trying to dig deeper down..beside that..he doesn't really hit the glass.. i believe my glass tank ..was custom build with either 1/4 inch or 3/8 inch.. its has thickness of a regular 40 gallon tank.. my mantis doesn't seem too aggressive..couple time..i put my hand in to build his cave with the live rock ..and he hasn't attempt once to attack me..but after reading curt forum and view those picture..i'm gonna be more careful with it .. another quick question..for a mantis shrimp u think its require to have a sump with a refugium or a drop filter would do???

thanks for all the information
I have an external fuge (20L) on my 120 that houses my peacock mantis. I very rarely hear him clicking. I use tongs to feed him pieces of krill. He isn't aggressive towards me, but I don't stick my hands in his tank either. He knows the tongs are food. They are way too fast for me to risk putting my hands in there and him think I am a threat.

Planet Reef is a LFS I'm temporarily managing. When I'm on the LFS computer, I'm Planet Reef. (Customers use my profile to search the library and I don't want them seeing my PM's).

When I'm at home, I'm Curtswearing.

ROFL!! I forgot you had an alternate username :oops: :D
I'm not sure I've only kept spear type mantis, BUT I do have a kickin link for you to read.

I think he'd do better if you started feeding your mantis some type of food that comes from the ocean i.e. krill, squid, oyster, scallop ect. Gold fish really arent good for marine predators at all. Hell I'd throw some snails and crabs in there every so often just to hear him break em open.