marine tank temperature set up

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Mar 23, 2009
london uk
hi guys im new to marine aquarium's, and i have just bought a 3ft tank with sump system, im just setting up and calibrating the system i have mixed the reef crystals with me RO Water and filled the tank i now have me live rock in and topped up system just started all pumps skimmmer etc etc all working ok i am not running any lights just a heater and koralia 4 for the first week set heater to 24 degrees c, and running in system, i put a thermometer in the water and it now measures 26.6 degree c, with no lights so starting to worry when lights go on wont that heat water up to above 29.0 degrees any idea what to do to bring temp down to around 24.5 to 25.5, i have been told to cut some holes in the hood and mount some p.c style fans, will this drop roughtly 2 / 3 degrees any idea chaps help greatly recieved
kindest regards stuart
Of course make sure your heater isn't stuck on. Give us a list of every pump in the system.

put it in your consevertory mate and use the natural light..just realised your in london and probly wont have one a chiller is your best bet but probly not pound wise i use pc fans and have quiet good results
computer fans

put it in your consevertory mate and use the natural light..just realised your in london and probly wont have one a chiller is your best bet but probly not pound wise i use pc fans and have quiet good results

thanks for the advise man, i will try some fans i have about three i will cut hood and fit them how long will it take to cool the temp down fella is it a period of 12 hours or so because the fans dont seem to blow too much not much air from them i mean is there a more powerfull one i should use ????
stu pot
To cool a tank, you want to encourage evaporation. Unfortunately this means you'll be putting back into the system a lot of distilled or RO/DI water. You can run fans across any of the open water areas, including the top of the tank (if you remodel the top) and the sump (assuming it may be an open area of water).

Just as important as putting fans in/on the tank, is the room where the tank is located. That room has to have air circulation too -- you want the room to get fresh air and to move air around the room (as well as in and out of the room). Thus the room needs to have ventilation.

You mention starting up. Thought you should see this post, if you haven't come across it yet: Starting up a Marine Aquarium.

try hanging your lights above the tank.. I chose not to put a lid on my tank due to temp problems, this seemed to help a bunch droped temp about four degress
Got it sorted at last

try hanging your lights above the tank.. I chose not to put a lid on my tank due to temp problems, this seemed to help a bunch droped temp about four degress

Ok guys a massive thank you from the british side of the equator for all your suggestions and help you have given me, i have tried my original idea of cutting the hod, in the rear where cant be seen i have cut three holes in series 75mm in diameter and have mounted 3 P.C 180mA 12 volt fans, they do resonate a little on the wood but may add a gasket if it annoyes me. The modification seems to have really done the trick its downed the temperature from around 27.6 degree's to 23.7 degree's with no lighting, how good is that i have been experiementing by disconnecting fans so now running 2 fans and have a nice and stable system running at 23.9 at worse case lovely.

so just thought i would update you all thanks again stuart
The problem is unless its already hot where your at you shouldn't need fans with no lights. Either the ambient temps are high or you have a pump heating the tank. If its not ambient temps then you may have issues once it does get hot in the summer.
ambient temperature

The problem is unless its already hot where your at you shouldn't need fans with no lights. Either the ambient temps are high or you have a pump heating the tank. If its not ambient temps then you may have issues once it does get hot in the summer.

hi Don the ambient temp of my home is quite warm due to having new born baby and other small chrildren so have turned that down to 24.0 degree's which i see as still bit warm going to see what the temp does after the lights go on on thurs tommorow and ill let you know regards stu pot:)
british side of the equator? lol

i think the US is on the same side as you blokes ;-)
actually, im pretty sure we are on the same side of the prime meridian as well
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