MarineDreamer's 55 Gallon learning curve

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And into every life a little rain must fall…

O.K, so we got the good news out of the way, now I've got to share the bad...

A day after I got the new corals into the tank, an Acropora that I had originally in the tank started RTN. Go figure, just when I have someone tell me that they want a frag of one of MY corals. Grrr… :mad:
Sorry about the RTN! Hopefully your new frags will grow to replace the colony you lost.
Confused in Illinois...

Hey MarineDreamer,

So what is RTN.... should I know what this means??? It doesn't sound/look good... is it a disease or bacterial infection of some kind, and will this effect all the other corals? :confused:

And I haven't got a letter from you in a while...:cool:

Had another Bap on Saturday! :D
MarineDreamerII said:
Hey MarineDreamer,

So what is RTN.... should I know what this means??? It doesn't sound/look good... is it a disease or bacterial infection of some kind, and will this effect all the other corals? :confused:

And I haven't got a letter from you in a while...:cool:

Had another Bap on Saturday! :D

Hey Little Bro!

How’s life treating you in Misery? Oh, I mean Missouri!

Yes, you should know what RTN means; Rapid Tissue Narcosis. As far as its causes, how many gains of sand on the beach; how many stars in the sky? Yes, it could be bacterial, or a viral disease, but my best guess is a response to allopathy; or chemical warfare. With the addition of four new corals into its environment within a day of the symptoms and barring any other unknown changes to its environment, I would happen to guess that one or more of the others has produced some mucus with less than desirable side effects for other tank inhabitants. Mucus production is not only a feeding response, but also a response to stressors, like being yanked out of Tom’s perfect frag grow out tank and hauled all the way to my house. So we do water changes, and run carbon in the hopes of trying to save the rest of the colony. If I’m able to do that, the skeleton should be recovered with new tissue fairly quickly; I hope. Could “it” affect other colonies? Most certainly, but I have yet to see any ill effects of any other corals in the tank. Polyps are all out and extended, not tissue recession anywhere. Let’s keep our fingers crossed! And of course, the colony is the one that you got me for my birthday from the LFS. And Todd had just asked for a frag from it to! Go figure. :rolleyes:

Yeah, right. Get a letter from me? Mom got like two in the eight years I was in the Army. Now you want me to write you? I should, be on the look out for some very exciting news! :eek:
Keeping my fingers crossed;) I should have grabbed a piece while I was there:D Hope it all turns out ok. My tank stopped all the bad stuff right after I got the failed heater out, some of the corals may actually make it, but many are gone:( Good luck buddy! BTW, thanks a bunch for dinner the other night, we enjoyed our visit and look forward to our next get together, we should bring Tom and his wife into the dinner club:D
MarineDreamer said:
How’s life treating you in Misery? Oh, I mean Missouri!

FYI: It's Miss-ur-a, emphisis added to the "a"! And Good, though now we have no one to teach.... :cool:

It's that nice that even Todd want's a frag... tell him that I will sell it to him for $20 :D Well I am glad to hear that RTN is something that can pass with time... hopefully. Would moving either one further away from the other help? That way there is more time for the mucus to be diluted and filtered by your system? Can the colony adapt to the chemicals in the mucus? Or build up a resistance? :idea:

I heard that Camden had a nice bout of the stomach flu, have you all been sharing?:cry:
Holy Snap Drabble!!! I've not been keeping up!

O.K. In July I moved. I bought my first house; out in Granite Falls of all places. For those of you scratching your heads, take I-5 north to Everett. Go East on HWY 2 and follow the signs to Lake Stevens. Keep going! Head east on HWY 92 until the highway ends and you’ll be there! And, nope there is not LFS.

Tank came along for the ride. A HUGE thanks to Todd for making the hellish drive from T-Town to come set-up the rock work while I was making sure that my family had beds to sleep in. I did lose a Coral Beauty in the transfer. Damnedest of things, the Yellow Tang that was in the same container did just fine... -Sigh- I loved the Coral Beauty. I also lost a bi-color. He made it to Granite Falls, but what happened afterwards beats me. I never did find the body. No other loses from the move.

On Friday the 13th of October, I was lucky enough to have another little girl. Rhiannon Elizabeth joined her siblings, Camden and Aurelia, at 6:38 PM tipping the scales at 7lbs 14ozs and 20 inches long.

Today I did some maintenance. I knew that I needed to up date the thread. So here we go:

First couple tank shots with my entry-level camera:
Now, some of you might recall that nasty piece of Acro that Todd had sitting in that 'Lion's Paradise' that wasn't doing anything and so he gave it to me...

If you don't, do not fret, I've got pictures!!! Just compare. Apparently, Calcium Reactors aren't everything!!! :badgrin: