may have overdone it

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Dec 22, 2005
I have a 90 gal reef and I think I may have added to many fish, everyone is doing well, but I'm afraid of what could happen.

I have the following fish, all 4" or less:

2- Black Onyc Clowns
1- Red Flamhawk
1-Vlamingi Tang
1-Hippo Tang
1-Clown Tang
1-Yellow Tang
1-Powder Blue Tang
1- Red Coris wrasse
1-Koran Ange1-Blue Face Angel
2- Damsels(Blue Devil)

Wow! It sounds worse when I type it all together. Good filtration. everything test where it should, plenty turnover and lots of waterflow.
My quetsion is since they have all been put in at small sizes will they tend to get along as they grow.
Have I given myself a reason to get a bigger tank?
If o, how long do I have, it took 8 months to build this assortment of fish:confused:
iam thinking bigger tank is in order, but i will let someone on here make a better call, any pics i bet it looks great...btw welcome alot of great help here.....
yup bigger tank,fish can totally change personallity as they get bigger. a fish that is notorious for this is the clown trigger, when they are small they are very cool, but as they grow they can get down right nasty, i think your clown tang and vlamingi tang get very large as well. besides we all want a bigger tank any way
bigger tank with all those tang in it,but then again went they start getting bigger u can use them for store credit.that if the lfs take credit

Yea with all those tangs and two full size angels you are going to need two 6 foot long tanks at least as they grow. Your best bet would be to get a fish trap and line up buyers for your fish that you want the least. Catch then and move them to a holding tank till pickup.
Right now I have a
Blue face angel
powder blue tang
melenarus wrasse
coral beauty
two blue green chromis
mandirin goby
pecula clown
swallisi basslet in a 75 gallon tank.
I will be upgrading to a 72x24x24 tank sometime in 2006 thats the plan anyway. I think my tank is overcrowded and I have a skimmer that is for a much bigger tank than mine, plus I grow chaeto and use phosban.
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!

I agree that a larger tank is in order, unless you get rid of a few larger fish. The Vlamingi will grow large fast, and the clown tang can get quite nasty and big. I would say, the Vlamingi would need at least a tank the size wrightme43 posted, or larger. How long have they all been together? Do you have a lot of live rock? How are your water parameters with all the fish?
I use the ASM G4 I believe, rated to 400+gallons,
Nitrates- 25ppm
Phosphates- .3
I also have a 30 gal. refugium w/full grow out so that has helped a lot and a 35 gal. sump. The fish except for the clown tang have been together for 3-4 months. Live rock, probally close to 100 lbs.
coastalpleasure - I wouldn't trust the ASM skimmer rating. The ASM G-4 is rated for 350 gallons, and is an 8.5" diameter tube and 24" high. The Euro-reef CS8-3 is rated for only 175 gallons, and is an 8" tube that is 30" high. The same pump....Sedra, it could be the 1/2" difference in the tube is merely measuring to the outside vs. inside of the tube? There is a thread on this topic of ASM vs. ERs, and I really liked the quote I stuck in this post - View Single Post - ASM Skimmer or EuroReef?. Either way, you are still rated over your water volume, but I imagine the skimmer is working pretty good with the bioload. How much and how often are you feeding everyone?

I would love to see pics of your tank, as you have some gorgeous fish. I have a pair of Black Onyx myself, and I have a soft spot for Vlamingi tangs...wish I could keep one. Hopefully, someday, I'll have a tank large enough for a mature sized one :).
I feed flakes or pellets in the morning. and a mix of frozen or live at night.
The Angels love small clams, and I will cut up fresh shrimp at times. Broccoli and seaweed sheets every other day.

I have a friend that owns a lfs store in town, have him working up a price on a 210 set up. He is a Deltec distributor and firmly believes in their equipment(pricey though). You are right, my skimmer is busy.
I will try to get some pictures posted Monday after the x-mas family rush has subsided.
Yeah I love BlueFace angels. Thanks for the compliment. I love angels the most of all fish. I think the regal and the blueface are the best looking ones.