May PSAS Meeting- An evening with clown fish!

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I have no fish.
Oct 8, 2003
Lovely Lynnwood
Watch your email for you evite for the May meeting! If you didn't receive one, please PM me your email address. I have added everyone I am aware of; including new members.

PSAS is happy to announce our very own Ilham (Elmo here on Reef Frontiers) to talk about clownfish. Ilham will cover things like pairs, mated pairs, breeding pairs, and the differences. How to best house these fish, how to encourage breeding, how to raise the fry, and other interesting tidbits. Ilham is very well versed in clownfish and is capable of answering many of the questions that people may have about general health and care, what clowns naturally host what anemones, with as well as breeding them and raising the fry. If you ever wanted to know anything under the sun about clownfish this meeting is a great opportunity. Come out and learn from our local expert how to make your clownfish happy and healthy.

PREMEETING: We will meet before the meeting at the Tamarind Thai (Dang's restaurant) at 4pm.

MEETING: Meeting is May 20th at 6pm at Bellevue Community College in our normal room.

Addresses on the evite!
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Colleen have you sent the evite to me? I still haven't got it. I might need to give you another e-mail address. The you have might have a spam filter on it that might be blocking the invite.

Thanks James.
saw a little bit and want more........

I am looking forward to this. Ilham is very knowledgeable and personalable. I do not think people will be dissapointed with this one. I saw a little bit of this,but look forward to his slide presentation. What I got out of his white board presentations was enough to make me want to come back for more.
One hell of a Awesome all around good guy!:)
Lets build Fun.....We all have it, just need to share it.

Ok here is a little bump. I am looking forward to seeing Dangs Tanks, chatting one on one with people that enjoy this hobby. Hearing how other tanks have changed, then listening to Elmo. There are a lot of good people that enjoy getting together and talking about how to improve relationships with other friends in this hobby. Like Mike O said we are all one. We enjoy the same thing. Now if we can just learn how to listen, treat all the same, and get those awesome deals by working together. Now is your chance, one on one. We support people that are good to us. Dang has some awesome food, awesome Staff, a atmosphere that supports the hobby.
Now all that is missing is you. Hey guys, I am getting tired of listening to my self. I dropped my pants at last meeting to get some attention. Yellow Tang ran. Don't make me do it again for a reaction. Hey, I am talking here!

Today at Dangs at 4pm for a social, then support a educated friend Elmo about a subject that could make you money or just make you feel good that you did something by yourself at 6pm at Bellevue Community College.

I am pulling my pants back up now....Did you look? Naw, Yellow Tang did not either, he just ran. lol:oops:
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This was a great meeting. I really understand a lot more about clownfish. I feel like i Could make a strong attempt at raising some If I was given the opportunity.
bradreef said:
This was a great meeting. I really understand a lot more about clownfish. I feel like i Could make a strong attempt at raising some If I was given the opportunity.
Ditto. :) Ilham your awesome. People are lucky to spend time and learn from you.
I thought it was really cool that you offered everyone there a that day only 30% discount on the corals you had. I am glad you want to promote more people to go to Meetings at PSAS. That was a super offer and very generous.

I really enjoy spending time with everyone from PSAS. I got there kinda late, but dinner at Dang's was a lot of fun and it is cool just catching up with everyone. Ilham did a great job, I was seriously impressed with the amount of knowledge he has.

Best Wishes,