Schedule and address info has been moved to the Evite. If you don't get it please let Gordo know by 8:00PM tonight and he will get you the information.
I may be behind the group, but I will print up directions and stop by regardless. If all goes as planned, I should be able to catch up around the time everyone is getting to Paul's place.
Looks like the sched. was removed from this list and it appears that Evite is down ATM. LOL.
Guess I might not make it. If anyone knows what time they were going to be at Tamarind Thai, please let me know! (I'll jsut assume that the old 1:30 notice was/still is correct..)
Hey everyone just left Dang's Resteraunt. Everyone is heading for Fragman's Place(Paul Hamby). We had to leave the tour . Anyway there is still time to check out tanks.