maybe not a good idea...

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2005
Umm... is it just me or should we maybe not be putting our tank animals back into the wild? And maybe especially not one which appears to not be doing well...

I mean, even if you know exactly where your fish and corals come from, you're not meant to just go put them back right? Maybe I'm wrong?
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I dont know if its questionable or not. We do it with bears and other wild animals. I guess if the fish doesnt make it he will be lunch for another. The corals I think the same would apply.

Oh wait, if this guy gets EVERYTHING from the same place (water, rock, food, sand... EVERYTHING), then I would think it's ok. But that would seen far and apart from what we all do...
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Honestly if I could walk out my back door and get what ever I wanted I may have a ever revolving reef also.

I don't see a problem in my case where I get alot of the fish from the wild and then return them after they've out grown the tank a bit or become troublesome. I wouldn't put back a fish that has been in the tank with fish from another country for the simple fact of transferring something potentially bad into our waters but going from a wild caught fish kept with wild caught fish only and putting them back into the wild, I personally see no problem. Just my take on it :)
Well, I can see that... I just hope people reading that thread understand that he gets EVERYTHING from his back yard (if that's the case) and that people don't think it's ok for land-locked hobbyists.
IMO i wouldnt

its like releaseing a tiger back in to the wild... after its bin fed in a cage....

the hunting the survival its all less then what it would be in the wild.... not that death isnt natural, but its like

raceing a vet against civic.... no matter what your gonna loss.... (i know more about that then i let on i could build a civic that would woop a vet... but where not going there..)

runing from your anonome to get a peace of food is not the same as being on a reef fighting for your life....
i say no
IMO i wouldnt

Well, personally, I wouldn't either... but I'm more paranoid about introduction of foreign organisms. Unless I could make sure that *nothing* (not even food or water or anything) from any other reef ever came near my tank, I wouldn't ever put anything back. But like I said, I tend to be really paranoid about this issue.

But again, if this guy's tank is essentially just a big bucket it took home from the beach, then it probably doesn't matter (so long as everyone else knows that's what he's doing).