Mike, the canopy looks great! Good Job! 
What type of magnets are you using to attatch the wood fram to the stand? I need to find some for my doors on my stand. The ones at the local hardware stores were not strong enough. LMK what magnets you end up getting. Thanks
This will be a replacement. I'm particularly excited by the extra depth I'll have to work with in this tank.
Been online all day today looking at lumber. I'm going to be stopping off at Lowe's this afternoon to pick up some supplies, Grainger to get some RTV 108, and my brother in law's to pick up his table saw. I've pretty much decided on how I want to skin the stand. I'm going to build the stand with red oak and mouldings in a style similar to the first picture. With 72" I will use three doors in the stand and canopy for access. I'm also going to split the canopy and use a piano hinge so I can raise the top when it gets hot this summer (or skip that and beg the wife to let me buy a chiller). I'm leaning towards a cherry stain with a low gloss polyurethane finish like the second pic but I could also see myself spraying it black like the first pic.
Anyway, I'm picking up razor blades, acetone, steel wool , and RTV 108 today so I can redo the interior seams. While I'm at Lowes I'll start looking at my wood choices.