Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

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Don, I'm no expert hear, but my ph has been low for quite some time and (7.4-7.9 1.5 months) my LFS, who really cares about fishes and knows her stuff, suggested that is is probably a combination of low quality salt (Oceananic) and stuff decaying in my tank (when i bought the tank, I mistakingly messed up the DSB)

i'm not quite sure why you said this about the guy on RS where it raised his ph...

"As suggested before I'd keep this just a DIY specific thread. Post like this are a waste and make no sense what so ever. They prove nothing but ignorance to the science and basic chemistry of the hobby."

I don't think algae scrubbers will replace everything, but I think it is a good way to get unwanted stuff out of ones tank. I'd rather have algae grow in a scrubber than in my tank. I've built one, but it leaks and i haven't had a chance to fix it... ;)
i'm not quite sure why you said this about the guy on RS where it raised his ph...

The problem with that sort of cut and paste post is SM doesnt have enough info, so the post is misleading. Leading others to believe that the ATS cured the PH issues.
There is just to much missing information along with some out of wack information that can be interpreted a number of ways. For example, such as not being able to run the skimmer for a month and a half due to medication causing the skimmer to overflow.
Assuming this is a reef tank because it has a reactor. What medications would cause this? Most meds that are even remotely close to reef safe are used quickly and removed via water changes and the user is back online with a day or two. Most medication that cause the skimmer to overflow suppress o2 levels. All meds will wreak havock on any biological system. Suppressed o2 is of course going to have a negative effect on ph.

Then the user mentions high ph which is a contradiction to the way the ATS is setup. High ph is caused by a lack of co2. With the ats the water flowing over the screen will help bring in available co2 if its low. This is why we want lots of surface flow and surface flow is what the ats provides. PH will always equalize if there is enough surface flow and the there is not an excess of ambient co2.

So you see with the minimal information provided in the post can be interpreted in a number of ways and they all are pure speculation and are misleading.

wholly crap he's duped us all! He's even identified as Santa Monica on every board! Interesting!

I'm still interested in trying this though.
The RF Staff was curious and started an "internal investigation" and this was turned up. I am concerned about this thread very much as a result. We at Reef Frontiers do not subscribe to spamming on our site. It certainly feels like that to me here based on the results of the "investigation" and as such may take more action on this thread in the near future.
Definately interesting? That's a long list of reef boards that he's tapped into. I have trouble keeping up with 3 or 4 of my favorites. Couldn't imagine tracking all of them? Sounds very fishy to say the least.
I really doubt that there is a financial reason for this. My guess is when folks dont see eye to eye with him he moves on hoping to prove something. Personally I think its a neat diy weekend project for anyone that likes to play, nothing more. IMO this thread just needs to be trimmed down to just the origonal diy and renamed by one of the admins.

I followed this thread on another forum where he was banned and even went so far as pm-ing members asking them to please reply to his thread to promote it. Boosting possible sales? Trying to prove himself right? Not sure...Not the judge.
I don't know Don, the google search came up with over 400 clear direct hits. Yes, many are overlaps; but I am convinced he is pushing the product on every site he can dream up, in preparation for marketing.

Either way, your suggestion of changing the title has merit.

How about: "DIY Turf Algae Filter" as a random suggestion?
Lets give Santa Monica an opportunity to respond to my question. There could very well be a valid reason for this. If he chooses to not respond, well....thats an answer as well.

This thread has served its purpose, and is now closed. I have cleaned up the last page, in order to keep the thread about the topic of ATS, and not Santa Monica. After the google search showed 20+ other forums with the same thread, we then found this exact information (pics and set-up) on a member's website. With as many forums as this has been on, plus a personal website, the information is regarded as being spam. I would encourage anyone interested in this type of system to do their own research on the pros and cons of ATS, along with other forms of filtration, and make the best choice for their own tank.
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