megnesium supplement

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Jan 6, 2006
I have a 120g SPS tank that is currently being dose by a calcium reactor. For megnesium addition I use Seachem Advance Megnsium that I mix up weekly and add it accordingly. I really hate this method as it is inconsistance and tideous. Is there any way to add megnesium via my calcium reactor? Perhaps some sort of media that will desolve gradually like ARM in a reactor.
Your ca reactor media should be already adding a small amout of mg. Unless your tank is packed with tons of mg consumers you should be able to get away with just supplimenting your water changes. Not really a hassle once you get the formula down. Mine for example: 20 cups IO, 4 tsp calcium chloride and 145ml kent tech M. This keeps it right at 1250 and never moves.

I do have a tank full of of SPS and my CA/meg gets depleted fairly quick. If were to do weekly or bi-weekly water changes it wouldn't be that bad. However I do water changes on a monthly basis. Do you know of any megnesium media that will disovle gradually?
I think the zeovit company makes some that goes into your ca reactor. You might want to check their forum or retail outlets. Also I'd switch to the kent. takes me twice as much seachem as it does the kent.

What are you using as a top off system?? Magnesium can be added in small amounts to your topoff water.
There is a calcium reactor media ,I think that when placed in the reactor leaches mangnesium excusively!!I don't know the brand name.......
Any dolomite lime product will work, as long as it's pure. Zeomag and Mg Pro are two commerical brands. I just added some Zeomag to my reactor as my mg levels were always on the low side (1100).

BTW, only add a small amount to your reactor (10-20% of total media). Otherwise, your params will get out of whack.

buy a bag of magnesium chloride and add it that way. 50lb bag costs $25 and for the savings it should make up for lazyness. a couple scoops a week isn't too bad if you get into a routine and just do it. it takes all of about 20 seconds. you can use a calculator to figure out how many parts per million per gallon .