Merging 2 Tanks into 180G. Looking for advice

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Well-known member
May 22, 2010
Plaistow, NH
Hey everyone,

I recently came upon an awesome deal for a 180 Gallon TruVu Acrylic Aquarium for very cheap money (<$200). It is 72"x24"24". I was told that this tank has been up for roughly 14 years and is obviously been established.

I currently have 2 aquariums up and running. One is a 55G with 10G sump that is supporting my corals that I own plus smaller fish and inverts. The other tank is an older 100G that is roughly 60"x18"x24". It houses about 4 Tangs, 1 Angel, 2 Wrasses, 1 Goby and some inverts.

I am running into an issue with maintaining 2 aquariums and a set of newborn twins which is whats leading me into merging both tanks. I am very knowledgeable about reef setups and all that jazz but I would like to get some outside opinions instead of just buying the first thing I see that I think would support the new 180G.

So here we go:

1. Is there any recommendations on how to move both tanks into the 180G?

2. Could using some old water from a water change help speed up the tank setup?

3. I plan on polishing the Acrylic before setting up the tank, should I clean the tank with bleach or vinegar to get a complete clean? or just a quick enough clean to get the polish to work?

4. Since I will need money in other areas (lighting, skimmer, etc...) I will be building the stand and canopy with my buddy using Garf.Org instructions. Anyone have any objections to their instructions? or have anything better?

5. The canopy with be tall enough to mount 3 MH's and Actinic CF's or T5's. This will require to have an open back canopy. How should I ventilate the canopy? or does it need to be ventilated at all?

6. How much wattage should I be looking at for the MH's? 150w, 250w, 400w?

7. I need a better skimmer, suggestions?

8. Return Pump Size/Brand?

9. Heater Wattage and how many?

10. I am debating on using either the 55G or 100G for the sump. I am guessing 100G would be best?

11. I see many tanks with different setups, meaning the sandbed. I have a sand bed in both tanks. I know there is Pros & Cons to either Sand or no sand. I personally like the natural sand look. Recommendations are welcome!

I think that covers it for now. If I have any more questions I will post here. Please feel free to answer 1 or all of the questions. Thanks!

I haven't ready your whole post but I am already jealous. I am currently seeking a 180 or tank with similar footprint.
still send me info please. I can always make or have a stand made if price is right.
Sounds like fun!! :) A few personal opinions would be to use the "bigger" of the two sumps which in this case is the 100 gal. The more water volume you have the more stabilty your system will have. Where the canopy is concerned, I would vent it for 2 main reasons...One would be to help with any heat being trapped in the canopy and two, to allow for good gas exchange. As for the water, you could use a bit of the old water, but I like the idea of taking the opportunity for a nice water change replenishing everything. Just make sure that you get the salinty and temp to the proper levels before adding in any livestock. Lighting, if it were me, I'd run 3 250's but I'm sure others may suggest 3 400's going by the tank depth. Guess that is something you will have to decide on, but I don't see why 3 250's with the right reflectors won't do the trick. In terms of polishing the tank, never had to do it with acrylic before so maybe you can pm Jason at CFI to see what he recommends...

Just a few thoughts to get things going. I'm sure the other will chime in soon :)

My first thoughts were the same about using the 100G for the sump until I started visualizing the whole setup in my head. The problem right now is that I am trying to avoid the same situation that I am currently running into with my 55G. It has a 10G sump in the stand that also houses the power strip. I have no more room to add anything else such as: Filter, Reactor, ATO and such....

Knowing that the 180G is 72"x24"x24" and the 100G is 60"x18"x24" would leave me with possibly a foot of room between the ends of the 100G while it would be housed in the tank stand.

Now... If I use my 55G, which is 48"x13"x18", would leave me 2ft of end room and 11" of room from the back of the stand to the front. Now that the 55G would leave me much desired room I could plan to add my 10G tank to be used as my ATO storage and possibly still have room for a reactor or some other item.

Again, I have to weigh the differences between extra tank water capacity vs extra room for equipment. Inputs are welcome!

When I mentioned about ventilating the canopy I was refering to adding fans and/or using dryer ducting to direct the hot air outside the canopy to somewhere else. I have a very big concern about mounting MH's directly to the canopy because of their heat and the potential for it being a fire hazard.

I think that 3x 250w MH should be suffice... 400w would make for a better lighting but again the heat. I will have to research a little deeper. I have seen rail systems for mounting lights, I will look into the option also.

One last note... Would it make any difference if I used 4x 36" Actinic T5's or CF? I like the T5's on my Sundial. My Refuge light has a CF and not much of a CF fan. I am open to all suggestions!
As far as lights go if your willing to put the money into it I would go with LED's. You can build a DIY setup for under $1000 for a tank that size and not have to worry about changing bulbs for almost 10 years. As far as skimmers go I would look at the SWC skimmers I have heard nothing but really good things about them and you can't beat the price.

My first thoughts were the same about using the 100G for the sump until I started visualizing the whole setup in my head. The problem right now is that I am trying to avoid the same situation that I am currently running into with my 55G. It has a 10G sump in the stand that also houses the power strip. I have no more room to add anything else such as: Filter, Reactor, ATO and such....

Knowing that the 180G is 72"x24"x24" and the 100G is 60"x18"x24" would leave me with possibly a foot of room between the ends of the 100G while it would be housed in the tank stand.

Now... If I use my 55G, which is 48"x13"x18", would leave me 2ft of end room and 11" of room from the back of the stand to the front. Now that the 55G would leave me much desired room I could plan to add my 10G tank to be used as my ATO storage and possibly still have room for a reactor or some other item.

Again, I have to weigh the differences between extra tank water capacity vs extra room for equipment. Inputs are welcome!

When I mentioned about ventilating the canopy I was refering to adding fans and/or using dryer ducting to direct the hot air outside the canopy to somewhere else. I have a very big concern about mounting MH's directly to the canopy because of their heat and the potential for it being a fire hazard.

I think that 3x 250w MH should be suffice... 400w would make for a better lighting but again the heat. I will have to research a little deeper. I have seen rail systems for mounting lights, I will look into the option also.

One last note... Would it make any difference if I used 4x 36" Actinic T5's or CF? I like the T5's on my Sundial. My Refuge light has a CF and not much of a CF fan. I am open to all suggestions!

I'd say if that is the case, go with the 55gal. You will still have over 200 gals in your system which is a lot! On the canopy, here is what I did with one of my old setup after adding halides. Helped a lot! 2 fans sucking in cool air from the sides blowing across the waters surface and and 3 fans sucking hot air out of the canopy. :)

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I had that same fan setup planned out in my head. Has there been any problems with the canopy becoming hot due to the lights? Also, did the water temp change much?
I had to do a bit to get rid of heat from the halides. I added all those fans, added a big clip on fan to blow on my sump and still ended up adding a chiller. The canopy fans did make a difference though. I only added the chiller for more stabilty and peace of mind. :)
i heart that M emblem up there... sigh...

Ive got some really good experiences in this matter.. altho my setup isnt as large as your will be the step up is almost the same.
I would get your new tank in position get all the equipment setup and ready to receive water.... I would get a few pounds of Dry rock of your choice.. i used Fiji rock..
then i started the rock in the large tank and kindda gave it a few months to seed... so that i could see pods and little micro life's doing there thing.

after the new tank was up for a few months.. i stated moving little rocks and stuff from the old tank to the new tank, fragging the corals moveing hermits and snails... untill the only thing left was 2 fish and a GTA nem..

i had no cycle, i had no lose... except for the algae that i had ditched :)

in short i would do it slow lil by lil... untill you can drain the smaller tank and remove the pumps and tare it down
Thanks for the info Krish...

Burning: I like that idea best. I have 2x 5 Gallon Buckets of Rock in my garage that I could seed while the tank is cycling. I have a light that will support cheato in the sump so Pods will repoduce nicely. I will wait for the pods to start showing up and meanwhile balance of the chemistry enough to start growing Coraline (God knows I have enough in my 55G). I am still undecided about using a DSB even though I like the look of it.