MH Setup Pics

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thanks..also, i'll be getting my tan snorkeling for tangs this spring!!!! we'll have to get together and figure out a good fish trap!!!!
it's really dark in those pic..i will try to get some during the day tomorrow....hopefully my ballasts will arrive tomorrow..i called the guy today..he said they should have been here by now..he said Saturday by the latest..i called the USPS yesterday..Monday or Tuesday, the Post Office was closed for the Presidents that played a part in the time it is taking to get here
Ron, a couple of thoughts that came to my mind:

1: Mixing bulbs like that won't lead to an overall change in lighting color. You'll actually end up with a strong yellow in the middle, flanked by blues. I'm not sure if this is what you're going for. But unlike your VHO setup, mixing bulbs doesn't have a blend effect with MH.

2: Have you considered turning the reflectors 90 degrees? That way the longer part of the light throw is side to side (on your 6 foot tank) instead of front to back (18"). In addition to the light throw correction, there'd be a couple other nice benefits.

A: You'd actually get a LITTLE more blending of those mixed bulbs where they meet.
B: You'd not have a blinding bright bulb staring you in the face when you opened the canopy.
C: You may free up some space for at least one of those VHOs for supplementation.
D: The reflectors would all be lined up for one fan to push air through all three of them at the same time, a big long cooling tunnel, almost.

Anyway, just some thoughts.
Here's a recent shot of my tank when I was comparing bulbs. Notice how stark and akward the lighting change is.

i can't really turn the reflectors...i started a thread about..everyone said they are to be mounted perpendicular to the tank...they get better coverage..about the bulbs, i bought one..the other 2 i got from Brenden..he hooked me up with 2 of my reflectors and gave me the bulbs..i will most likely replace them..i will get some pics if my ballasts actually show up tomorrow!! i may actually go with all 14k's..i will just have to see how it all you stated, i am a little worried about the air movement in has an open top though..i'm hoping this will help with heat..i am going to look at my options when i get everything running
i finally got the ballasts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here are some pics..the first pic is with my VHO's..the next ones are with the MH's..i put some of my frag pics under the new lights in there as well..i moved my yellow figi's too..i had to rip them from the rocks..they are mad at me....also,i haven't decided if i like the color...the XM seems more yellow than white
Looks pretty good Ron in the pics! My 10K XM was really white. Not a tint of blue or yellow in it at all for me. I wonder if it is because of the ballast it is on why it is a bit yellow to you? As for the blue look, it takes getting use to. When I went to 20K XM's, it took a while for me to get use to the color. Give them time I guess to burn in properly before you make a decision on the bulbs:)
i was wondering how the coverage of the reflectors would end up..mounting them perpendicular definately made them throw light to the ends really comes out of the ends onto the floor..i am thinking of moving the 2 end reflectors a little closer to the middle will help with the light coming out of the ends, and it might mix the 2 colors more as well
i am leaving the lights on for 4 hrs has been 3-1/2 already..all the corals look fine..they don't seem to have any bad effect on the of my figi leathers is shriveled, but i think it is because i had to tear it off of a rock last other figi looks just fine!!!..i am going to keep the halides on for 4hrs/day for about a week..i think i will add an hour or so each week to the photoperiod..i may put a PC lamp on it for the rest of the day