Midas Blenny

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Nov 17, 2008
spokane area
I am thinking about getting one, a midas blenny as they seems to have a ton of personality when i see them at stores. Has anyone had or has one that would not mind sharing some thoughts or even stories about these guys?

I have had one in my tank for about a month now, its doing fine and I love watching him. I have a closed loop drilled and he hides out on one of the returns when there is no flow coming through it...
I had one that was a very good eater and great personality. Unfortunately I lost it due to ich. It wasn't visible on him when I bought it or in my tank but somehow it had it. Very cool fish.
I like the blenny group, the husky blenny is a cool one i'd like to get next. We have a lawnmower, we named him carlos(our 2 yrold did anyway) and he cracks us up, he likes to come sit at the front glass and watch us. We had one before him named waldo, because we could never find him on the liverock. They are fun. The redlip's look cool too.
I've wanted a midas blenny for a while, but haven't been able to get one as I have a bicolor in my main tank. Then I bought a second tank and got a tailspot blenny. Now I have a third tank and I'm thinking of finally getting the midas blenny. Blennies all have great personalities IMO.

My bicolor used to mimic my clown and try to host in her rose bubble tip anemone. They were my first two fish. The clown didn't mind. That was before we found her a mate, that she liked anyway. Both blennies I have usually stay perched in the rocks and watch us. Everynow and then they'll clean out their holes and you'll see detritus and poo being spit out. It's kinda funny. The bicolor did get territorial for a while and would bite us when we put our hands too close to it. It hurt too, but scared us more than anything because we weren't expecting it.
well...I got one, the cutest little midas blenny! She seems to be doing good but spends most of the day hiding. She is eating though and comes out on periodclly. Is this normal behavior? Will she eventually stay out more of the day? I do not know if she is indeen a she that is what i call her though.
It's normal for them to stay perched in holes in the rock and come out periodically to eat.
I have a Midas and I really like it. I have had it for about 6 months and it's doing great. One thing I like about it is that it seems to be very interested in what I am doing. For example, if I am on one side of the tank, it will be in a hole, but head out and watching me. Then, if I move to another area, it swims to a different rock hole to get a better view and continues watching. I would say that it seemed to get more and more comfortable, hid more at first, and now swims around a lot.
I love my Midas Blenny! We named her Beth and added her last. Our Blue Damsel (Dan) picked on her for a while but now he pretty much leaves her alone. She likes to peak from holes in the rock but she'll come out and swim next to Odo, our yellow-headed Sleeper gobi. I think she has a crush on him.
My midas blenny too is very interested in what I am doing. She (that is what I decided her sex is) come out each morning to say hi and always looks like she has a smile on her face. Anywhere I go, she goes. She has the best hiding spot that she backs her self into which is cool to watch. I added a flame hawk (another fish with lots of personality and LOVES the camera) and she chased him around for about two days but are now fine. My midas blenny is my favorite fish. Her name is Purdy Birdy and is a really great fish. I will post pictures! We got ours at a chain pet store which I do not usually perfer but when we saw her we decided to take a chane and she is thriving just fine. I have never seen another one in any store since. Are they not easily available or do people not like them as much as other blennies? I have never had any other type of blenny and really after having her, would not want any other type!
I love my Midas Blenny! We named her Beth and added her last. Our Blue Damsel (Dan) picked on her for a while but now he pretty much leaves her alone. She likes to peak from holes in the rock but she'll come out and swim next to Odo, our yellow-headed Sleeper gobi. I think she has a crush on him.

My blue allen damsel (Goose) picked on everything. As he got older, he got supper aggressive. I had to get rid of him because it was getting out of control. I was sad to see him go as his color was awesome. I wish I did better research before adding him as I hated to go through giving him up. I admit, I was not as responsible as I should have been but I guess we all learn our lessons. I am sure Goose made someone else happy (like he did me at first!)