milky substance from sea urchin

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
Woodinville, WA
I was just in the middle of a water change and saw my urchin releasing long strings of a white substance. I've read the threads with clams releasing sperm and it's detrimental effects. Is this the same thing, and what is the best thing to do now?

probably just let your skimmer do the work, and some carbon for insurance. im sure you tank still looks clear?
I have one did the same thing once, never found out exactly what it was. Went on for about half hour, just white puffs streaming into the water column.
I didn't do anything, just admired and enjoyed the experience. There were no ill effects after this, happened a couple of months ago.
Happens regularly in my tank..... one starts then the others join in. No ill effects, but some of the smaller fish seem to like it :)
Your urchin was spawning. Mine does it too. Usually after a water change. Skimmer goes nuts for awhile, but then it clears up. The corals seem to enjoy as they polyp out almost immediately.
