milli STN (eggs visible)

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
vancouver wa
So my green milli has slowly (over the last 2 weeks) been dying from the inside of the colony out. I took it out of the tank and shook it vigorusly in a bowl of saltwater and nothing (atleast large enough to be visible to me) came out of the coral, however I did notice what looked like a cluster of eggs in the middle of the base, the eggs are tightly bunched total size of the cluster is approx 5/8'' in diameter and less than 1mm per egg.
so my question is what is the most common sps predator that could match this description? i have never seen anything in this coral as far as pest's...

Thanks for any help you can offer me...

ok so I went and took a second look at the bottom of the container and I am pretty sure that this colony has AEFW!
how can i treat for this? also what about the rest of my system?

I hope this is easy to beat!

Melafix dip works pretty well for AEFW. As far as treating the whole tank i'm not sure. So better start dipping now. I'm sure if you have it on that millie it probally is also on other acros and millies. 5ML per quart of salt water is the reccomended dip dasage. Have fun
We carry Melafix marine , and flatworm control from blue life.
Ask Trido is its easy to kick it:oops:

At the last PSAS meeting duane did a demo , check the thread.

Sorry to hear that your infested its not fun, good luck Matt.

Maybe your naso was eatin them ??
