mistake you dont want to admit

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nikki I know what it is like to be shocked. My friends dad is a cop and I had to try his tazor. Not the worst thing in the world but the stupid part was I accidentally did it to myself the next day.
I guys I fell in my reeftank a few times and I shot skimmate all over my ceiling the other day.

ROFL!!!!! Wow Brad....I know you want to be like Mike....but sheesh! :lol: :lol: heheheh - OK - duck and cover
OK - the most recent mistake I made....and I'm a real stu for this.....I actually thought that was Mike pretending to be Brad pretending to be Mike :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
LOLOL - nevermind....let me be in my own airhead world :D
nikki I understood what you were saying but I still think you need to get more sleep. (j/K)

It is really nice out so I am sure mike is busy we will see what he has to say later.
LOL I'm with ya Niki. ;)

Here's a couple:
I had a chromis jump ship without me knowing it. My wife came into the garage while I was playing around with my skimmer and said "uh hunny... one of the chromis is dead.. (looking at the floor)" I looked at it and it was flat as a pancake with dog crap and hair around it. I had stepped on it and it stuck to the bottom of my shoe until it eventually fell off where it lied. Who knows how many places I walked with a flat chromis stuck to dog pooh on the bottom of my shoe :) I wasn't aware of either!

After moving my 46gal tank to another room while full, I noticed water accumilating around the bottom frame lip. I wiped it off thinking it was residual splash but the slow accumilation continued. I paniced thinking it was a crack in the glass. After calling in emergency friend support and running around the house with my head cut off my cousins wife said "what's this tube thingy?" It was the output of my small recirc pump I used for a CPR overflow. It had been slowly dripping water down the tank which accumilated in the frame of the entire tank... I had already moved 2 clams and 3 corals an emergency stand-by tank.

One more... we had a rat problem when a construction crew cleared a bunch of trees down the street. They had chewed the power cord to my canister filter to the wire. When I reached down to unplug the filter for maint i got shocked to high hell. (I killed the rats! all flippn 12 of them.. the sad thing is I love all animals and have 4 gunea pigs and 2 gerbils :( )
there are soooo many good flood stories out there. Every time I am filling something I flood a little but nothing major yet.
OK long list

1; Rolled 10 clams down the drive way in the middle of winter
2: then after putting them in my pockets to get them down to the tank I fell and squished the one in my back pocket. I have a scare now.
3: Have melted the skin on my forearms to many time to count.
4: Turned off my return pump on a previous tank, then pointed up all the locline so it would over fill the sump. Finished working on the sump and turned the pump back on and blew all the MH's
5: Fell into the tank head first while aquascaping, while drowning looked out the tank and saw my wife giving me the finger for displacing 50 gallons of water into the room.
6: While in a life and death battle with a rogue lobster, I slipped and stuck myself in the forehead with a staghorn coral, 5 stiches.
7: Turned a 2000GPH pump on, but it wasnt pumping out the water, So I decided to help it along by giving it a quick syphon type suck....swallowed 2 gallons of water.
8: While showing off to some non hobbists about how friendly my ribbon eel was, I didnt pay attention and my 2 1/2 foot moray came up and swallowed my finger. While trying to be cool with it and remove it, it kept biting harder, Eventually I put it on the ground under my foot and forced my finger out. 14 stiches for me and a nice dinner for the cat.

See my clam thread...

I droped a 26W PC setup w/ballast in my refugium, and of course, instinct told me to grab it in the water. I did, and am glad I lived to tell about it. One hell of a shock...

Plenty of others on a more minor scale, although most are more because I am accident prone, not neccesarily careless. Tons and tons of flood stories...

Take er easy
Scott T.
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Mike I'm :::Speechless::: after laughing my ass off in cubical land for the past 5 minutes... This is a good stomach work-out!
Oh yea one more classic.
While in a chat room, some one comes in and wants to know how to acclimate his snails. I know the guy from the board and figure he was joking. Well I spend about a half hour tell him how to do the massage acclimation (slow circular motions, always counter clock wise, dont heat them up to much, stuff like that) well all other 20 people in the room go dead quite, not thinking I continue, all the time this guy is doing exactly as I was saying, :rolleyes: . Finially I tell the guy that the rubbing was the easy part, he moans, I tell him the hardest part is getting the cigarette in the hole of the shell after the clam spawns. He figures out I was BSing and curses me and then its all over the internet for months....just another day in paradise

1) I've experimented with my fish, like mating, crossbreeding and fighting them, sorta like Isle of Dr. Moreau.
2) I've used only carbon filter, way too small for capacity of tank.
3) I still don't know how to post pics or load them, I guess I'm not computer literate.
4) I've had several tanks and very little time to worry about what needs food or what. Many fish have died under my reign, but I'm getting better.
Posting pics isn't the easiest on RC. took my a few mins to figure that out. Here the trick is resizing it small enough and saving it to your desktop.