ha....to funny. Blackberry is, IMO, a pathetic excuse for a smart phone. Cell phone is a thing of the past, smart phone's are it now...and Android....well....it is the only name to be recognized.
ha....to funny. Blackberry is, IMO, a pathetic excuse for a smart phone. Cell phone is a thing of the past, smart phone's are it now...and Android....well....it is the only name to be recognized.
That's funny. Not really playing at all. Got rid of the stupid phone about 4 years ago and never looked back. So now I only have my corded house phone. And to be honest, What the heck is the difference between a "smart phone" and a cellular phone? Aren't they one in the same? Other than the old cell phones didn't do interent and all these "Apps"? things, if that is correct term for it. Dunno.
FYI, I only pick on Blackberry's because a lot of my friends have em and are usually quite interested in my D2. They are in fact actually decent phone's, I just think that Android phones are better. But that is my opinion. I am sure there are Iphone owners out there who feel theirs are better....but everyone is entitled to be wrong
Thanks ReefLogic. Yeah I think everyone has there favorite phone. Mine is the GTE/Western Electric payphone in my garage. Either that or my avocado green rotary phone circa 1970. Both still work just as they did when new. Did have to replace the handset on the payphone though.
That is awesome. I too still have a rotary phone that I keep around. Yes, it still works just fine...as does my Comodore 64 that I have sitting in my garage. I keep that as evidence that computers don't really die after set amounts of time. This thing has been running just fine since 1982