monti branchs

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Jan 15, 2006
i have a encrusting monti in my tank and its really been growing nicely recently it sprouted 2 small branch like pieces off the sides maybe 1/4 inch is this normal?
In the home aquarium it can be quite normal for coral to change growth patterns. Many of the encrusting and plating Montipora species can exhibit columnar growth that looks like branching in the early stages.

what kind of encrusting monti?? I haven't had any of my encrusting monti, grow anything but mounds or bumps.
thats absolutely true, could these be nodules growing up from the surface of the coral?? I have 2 M. confusa's and right now both are growing quite differently. Plus I have a Leng Sy{true} and a false and both are not at the point to begin nodules yet.
I have several encrusting monti's that grow up & or out in columns that look like branches. Here's a couple of examples.

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Greg, yeah, I have a couple of the encrusting type monti's that also are growing nodules from the surface of the coral. One being my M. confusa of which I have 2 different strains. One from Mike Paletta and one from the strain John Link{RC owner} has. Bother are growing completely different. But 1 does have the beginnings of nodules. I also have 2 Leng Sy's monti's. One a "true" and one Tyree called the closest to the Leng Sy original. It is also beginning to show nodules starting upwards. This particular monitpora is well known for the nodules.

I still love that monti you have Greg!!!!!
Thanks Kevin, here is one more, a side view of the 2nd of the two above photos.
M. verucossa? Anyway as you can see, lots of branch action.
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wow, the side shot is really interesting. It sure does have some major branch action going on.

It's not a real fast grower compared with some other montis but still ok. When I got it last spring this frag was flat and bumpy, maybe about the size of a quarter & is now about 3.5 inches across and 2 inches tall. Sorry ollie51, I'm not trying to hijack your thread, just giving info on encrusting/branching monti's.
These two seem to be the most similar I can find.
I think the top example might be Montipora palawanensis?
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