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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2005
S.Dakota (1 LFS)
If i bought the Pro-Heat 350w with the digital screen on it, does that show the temp of the water or the temp of the heater? My point is... Do i have to buy a thermometer also?

Jiddy - it shows the temp of the water so it knows when to turn on. I would also invest in a thermometer. The digital read out on both of my heaters is off by about 2 degrees. I used my thermometer to help determine where to set it, and I'm always checking it.
Jiddy I have both one with the digital readout & one without. Personally neither is accurate as they claim but the regular one has a separate temp. probe & holds the temp. better than the rest, I would not waste money on the digital readout, mine is very flakey to say the least. I have about six or seven heaters most aren't reliable, the won's are to me even better than the Ebo's because of the temp. probe isn't inside the heating element. When I get enough money I'll purchase a controller & plug the heater into it, this should work even better but to date the separate probe works the most consistent. I also have a pinpoint thermometer & rainbow lifeguard both seem to be accurate but I prefer the pinpoint because of the way it is built, also you can get extra probes all wireless. If you want anything better your talking about big $$$, or maybe a chilling/heating unit with built in controller.
Oh yea, it may be a good idea to get two 250w heaters instead on just one, I know I only have one but two seems to be a good idea if money allows.
Jiddy, I have 4 Won 350 watters. 2 with digital readouts and 2 without. None of them are even close to accurate. I trust them enough for my FOWLR and my water change tub but wouldn't use them without being plugged into an additional controller on my reef. On my sps tank they are plugged into X-10 modules controlled by my Aquacontroller Pro. You should be able to find a single stage Ranco digital temp controller to run your heaters. Ranco controllers are very accurate and reliable. I also second what was said earlier about having two smaller heaters for redundancy. If one fails, the other one will still be working. If one sticks on (won't happen with a digital temp controller), then it will still be small enough that it won't spike the temp as rapidly.
Your tellin me that i have to have a computer engineerin degree to start a poll? UNREAL

-Jidz the poll-less man...errr.....
Jiddy - if you are wanting to start a new thread with a poll - shoot me a PM, and I'll give you the steps.
I think your problem may be that you are trying to add a poll to an existing thread. AFAIK, you can only add one to a new thread.
Couple of questions:

1. How do i calm my wife down when i spill water on the floor (shes a mold freak)

2. How should i cycle my 220g with 300lbs of base rock? I was goin to do the LR method, but i have all BR?

3. Since my flow PVC CL isnt setup yet, should i not add my salt since i have no circulation?

4. Can I add LR right after mixin a new batch of SW? (im only addin a few pounds to spread coralline)
1. Hard Liquor!
2. You don't need to cycle base rock.
3. ALWAYS mix your saltwater up outside the tank before adding it. For the first fill you can mix it up inside the tank as long as there is nothing else in there at the time. Just drop a good sized powerhead in there and it should all mix up fine.
4. ALWAYS mix and aerate freshly mixed saltwater for 24-48 hours before adding to the tank. In other words, let it mix and aerate it in the tank for a couple days before adding live rock.
1. LoL

2. I need to get a bacteria level dont i? Ammonia into Nit right?

3. I dont have a powerhead, just two Mag12's and some uncut PVC

4. Cool thanks!

Just drive over here and do it for me Trav! And Saf.Land is ghetto!

Mikki and the others with the Pro Heat heaters... If you open them up you can Calibrate them to the tank... There is a believe a blue screw inside that you can turn slightly to adjust the temp reading while its plugged in.. I think its like 2 screws... Very simple and Its even in the Owners manual...

Well I have had the hammerhead by Sequence on my tank for about 6hrs and I like it.. About 290.00 and pushes 5500gph at 4' or 5800gph at 0'

drop one of the mag 12 in that tank to get the water moving around, when I moved my tank it was on carpet, left bad stains etc there, molds were also a problem.
Jiddy - I use these grey floor mats around the tank whenever I am working on it. Thank goodness - it has saved my rear several times with spills alone....not to mention the occasional drips here and there. I bought mine either at Sam's Club or Costco, but here is a link to a site online: Floormats

James - thanks for the tip!!!
If you were referring to the pump I got it from the LFS here in the area for like 325.00 has the normal Seq5800 with SW seal shipped for 325.00 has the hammerhead for like 279.95 plus 8.00 s/h has it for like 269.95 plus liek 18.00 s/h

Dont quote me exactly on the prices.. Except That was the quoted price they gave me the other day...

No probs Nikki.. I had an Issue with My non digital and the dial not being the same as the tank.. Was off like 5F... I read thru the manual and saw the adjustment... I mentioned to a local here who had the digital and he said it was the same way to adjust it...
