Jiddy I have both one with the digital readout & one without. Personally neither is accurate as they claim but the regular one has a separate temp. probe & holds the temp. better than the rest, I would not waste money on the digital readout, mine is very flakey to say the least. I have about six or seven heaters most aren't reliable, the won's are to me even better than the Ebo's because of the temp. probe isn't inside the heating element. When I get enough money I'll purchase a controller & plug the heater into it, this should work even better but to date the separate probe works the most consistent. I also have a pinpoint thermometer & rainbow lifeguard both seem to be accurate but I prefer the pinpoint because of the way it is built, also you can get extra probes all wireless. If you want anything better your talking about big $$$, or maybe a chilling/heating unit with built in controller.