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Jul 18, 2009
I have a 55G tank and I have a percula clown that is having a good time hosting an anenome. But it is only one clown. the question is can I introduce another clown or should i find it a new home and than get me a mated pair.
You can intruduce another clown. I would try to make sure it was around the same size and definetily the same type.
imo I would sell off or trade in for a new clown pair you may go through a bunch just to get a pair. then again you may get good luck with just one new addition but you want to make sure they are very close in size and the same Species
I would get a second clown. Make sure it's the same species, and much smaller than your current clown. About the only time this is a problem, is if you have Maroon Clown fish. With Maroons, a female may kill several males, before she accepts one. With Perculas, you shouldn't have any problems at all. If your existing Percula is small, just get another small one.
+1 on Sids advice with few exceptions getting the 2nd fish smaller will become the subservent male and tipically forces the larger fish into dominant female role. I have done it this way with probably 15+ pair of several different clown species over the years without any problems

Exactly what Todd said. It's possible that the current Clown you have has already become a female. That's why it's important to get a small one, that will become male. Otherwise, if you were to add a larger Clown, it's possible that it's also a female. With Clownfish, size is not indicative of age. A Clownfish, that's been alone for a period of time, may morph into a female.

In nature, in a shoal of Clownfish, the most dominant fish becomes female. The next dominant fish becomes male. The remainder of the shoal stays "juvenile" un-sexed. Until the male or female die, the "juveniles" are in If the male or female die, the most dominant "juvenile" takes it's place.
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When I first got perculas, I got two that got along at the LFS. They were the same size. After a few weeks, one killed the other by tearing off its fins. I waited a couple months and bought another clown that was significantly smaller. The larger clown picked on it for about a week before accepting it as her mate.
I agree with TJL and sid. I have had mixed results with trying to pair up clowns of the same size. With it already "owning" the anemone that is her territory so bring in a smaller one.