More than 1 tang per 180gal?

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Ok Tang Police Cover your Eyes LOL..

I have a 224g tank... 72"x30"x24"

Currently in the tank (living Peacefully)

I have a 6" Orange Shoulder Tang, 3" Regal Tang, 4" Yellow Tang and a 4" Powder Brown in there... There was a bit of fighting at first but they all decided to get along and share the Reef... First 2 weeks there was some fighting between the Orange Shoulder, Yellow tang and Powder Brown but has since gone away and they all swim within Inches from each other without starting a fight as of now...

James, Can u give us a tip on how you introduce this Tangs to each other! :D I have at present a Zebrasoma Veliferum(SailFin) in my 60gal tank and I'm having a Sohal Tang QT. Considering the aggressivenes of this 2 species I'm finding :rolleyes: a way to have a peaceful introduction between the two. :lol:

I'm not James, hope you don't mind :D , You could try rearranging your live rock at the time you put the new tang in. That would confuse the existing tang enuf to help in the new one's acclimation. Also turning the lites down helps.
Well in my case I started with the Regal tang 2 yrs ago... Then added the Yellow tang about 8m ago... After that I saw the other 2 that I just had to have so I got those as well... Pretty much just dropped them in while trying to distract the others on the opposite side of the tank... The PBT and Orange Shoulder were added about a week or so apart from Each other

In your Case the Sohal tang is extremely Agressive.. I wouldnt fear for the Sohal It would be the other way around... Since the Sohal tang is more agressive and the other is already Established I would just try and distract the Sailfin to the other side of the tank while you release the Sohal on the opposite side... Pray to the Reef gods and wait... But imo I think The Sohal will kick the crap out of the sailfin pretty quickly... They might live together but the Sohals have a pretty bad temperment for most other tangs from what I have read..

Yeah!The Sohal Temperament is what I'm worried about!But like said I just got to have it!...Thanks!

Good point there Charlie! We will do!!!All suggestions are welcome with open arms!!!

I at one time had a very aggressive yellow tang. When it came time to add a copper band butterfly and a powder blue I removed the 6" Naso and 5" yellow tang to another tank. Then I added the other fish. After letting the new fish settle in for about a week I brought the other two home. There was some minor spanking at first but they all got over it and lived very well together in the 175.
MattJ206, your thread is looking good!!!We are getting different inputs from others experiences.Thanks!

Les! Cool tank you've got there!
Boy, am I going to get into trouble here.. How many tangs do you see in a 90 gallon tank? :D
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I have 3 in my 180 but they were all added at the same time during a tank transfer. They are a yellow, a tennenti and a bristletooth mystery variety. There is a little posturing now and then, but never any fighting. I would dearly love to add either a purple or a sohal but I don't have the nerve and have decided not to fix what isn't broken at this point!
My buddy had 5 yellow tangs in his 300gal, i told him he couldnt do that, and after i looked at them all skimming peacefully all the time, i acknowledge that all fish have their own personalities
Ed can you give us an idea on how you got them all together!

I agree with you Jiddy General description is a guide.There will always be another with different character.

I'll let everybody know when I mix by viliferum and sohal together.Cheers!
I added two or more at a time and did not allow them to establish territory. All of the tangs were pretty close to the same size. I am sure most of you know Tangs are territorial. I made lots of caves and hiding spaces for them to hide and sleep. They bickered a little bit but eventually got along. Again, like someone said they have their own personalities.
If I were going repeat this process with my IAP ninety gallon tank, I have a very aggressive Hipo tang 3-4 inches long. He previously fought with a powder blue tang the same size and almost killed it. So there is a flag to me. If I did get a powder blue he would have to be twice the size of hipo, and I would also have to add another tang to distract Hipo tang at same time. That distraction would have to be something equal to powder blue. My thoughts and hope would be that the Hipo would tire from chasing other tangs. Its a gamble that sometimes works. The more tangs you have the more competive they are for food, If your filtration can handle the bioload its awesome. You have five lawnmowers competing for food.
tang o rama

i had three tangs in my 125 until two days ago. i put a sailfin in first then 6 months later a kole and 2 weeks after that a bicolor rabbitfish.the rabbitfish would show spines but that was the extent of the fighting. 2 days ago i fed the normal evening feed and 15 minutes later the rabbitfish was ghost white and was excreting slime all over it's body.within 5 minutes of my first indication of trouble, it was dead. I have a small lionfish in the tank. I am fairly certain it was either a lionfish spine or a brush with a toxic coral that killed it. I had a hair algae problem that is getting under control so i do not think i will replace the fish with another tang. I think success has more to do with the type of tang than the size of tank.
I have at present a Zebrasoma Veliferum(SailFin) in my 60gal tank and I'm having a Sohal Tang QT.

IMO a 60 gal tank is just too small to keep a Sohal long term, not only will it stunt their growth but will probably lead to serious aggression issues not only against the Sailfin but also the other tankmates. I had a Regal Tang in a 93 gal and he was the most aggressive SOB I've ever had and killed several of my fish.
Robert, This is what I'm afraid off as well ! Since this fish are with me for couple of weeks now it would be sad to loose them. Anyway I'm on my way to a bigger tank(150gal) in a few months time so hopefully this will go well. Thanks!
This board is such a pleasant place to visit because the tang police have not found it yet. I get so tired of hearing their propaganda. The other day I accidentally logged onto another board without realizing it and was so dissappointed to see all the attitudes. Then realized where I was. Me, my tangs and rabbit fish live happily here.
do you have a second tank you can move the one you all ready got thats desent in size that could support two fish of the same size you would like to add
if so here is what i recomend go and buy the fish you want to add a second poweder blue bring it home float its bag in the tank get the other powder blue you have bag him up and float him to in the same tank this cant be the tank the one powder blue was already in take both fish threw aclimation and then relise at the same time in to the new tank you will need to keep them in the tank for about two week i found threw research that if one fish exist in a tank for a while it will establish a territory and if a fish of the same speices come in to its domain well then there will bne so real fighting about whose domain that is and what the peck order is going to be

i found this out buy having one bicolor angel in a tank i had for a year i bought a new bicolor angle and put it in with the existing one what i fight i had on my hand so i bagged them both up and moved them to a tank where there was no astblished domains for ethier fish the fighting stoped then they got a long there was a little bit of sqabling once in a while but usally only at feeding they was together for about 4 years after that