MOTM April 2006

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Boomer, do you have any pics of your tanks when they were up and running?

No and I do not know why not. I was a camera bug and have 100's of pics. All kinds of pics on drag racing, vacations , army, blowing stuff up etc... I have only one pic in decades of keeping. My neighbor took it. It shows my 55 gal fish/invert tank, with my 22 " tube anemone ( tentacle to tentacle), my copper banded, Harlequin Basslet, Majestic Angel and a Picasso Trigger and some other stuff. I do not know where it is.
Boomer said:
No and I do not know why not. I was a camera bug and have 100's of pics. All kinds of pics on drag racing, vacations, army, blowing stuff up etc...

I love that you have pics of things blowing up :D. Do you by chance have a pic of "front-end loader meets pick-up truck"?
That would be cool, our first MOTM that instead post Picks of things blowing up, drag racing etc!
Congratulations Boomer!!! Thanks for all the wisdom and insight you have shared.

That would be cool, our first MOTM that instead post Picks of things blowing up, drag racing etc!

LOL! Scooter! Maybe Boomer threatened Chuck to blow up RF if he didn't make him MOTM:lol:
MtnDewMan said:
Congratulations to Boomer for being our April Member or the Month. As many here on the board can read by Boomer's replies, he knows what he is talking about. He has a wealth of knowledge and sensible information that he shares with our community. He is a great resource to Reef Frontiers and hence why he is our April 2006 MOTM.

Visit Bill's April MOTM writeup and if you have any questions I am sure he will be happy to answer them.
Congrats Boomer

Do you by chance have a pic of "front-end loader meets pick-up truck"?

Yes Nikki :D And all I did was bump the dam thing with one of these


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Aww...just a scratch! ;) The truck still looks drivable! :lol:

Holy BLEEP! That thing is HUGE! I can hear the Monster Truck crowds cheering away. :D

Thanks so much for all your input you challenge us to know our stuff. I can but echo all the sentiment here and wish you the very best

Way to go Boomer. I also enjoy reading your posts, even though you are much older than me, Almost six months.
Take care.
Good for you, Boomer!... You deserve it!

Even though some of the things you talk about seem to fly right over my head, it’s great to know that there are people like you who are willing to take the time to share what you know to others. I’ve learned quite a few interesting things from your replies on this site and elsewhere and I hope you stick around to share even more.
Thanks and congratulations! :D

Congrats on the well deserved honor. You've been helping folks on many of the boards I've visited over the years, selflessly and tirelessly. I've always respected and admired your knowledge and how freely you've shared it.

Thanks for all the help over the years.
