Mounting a PFO mini pendant

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Sep 27, 2005
Denton TX
I'm trying to figure out a way to hang my 250w PFO mini pendant above my 30G oceanic cube. Hanging from the wall isn't an option as I can't drill the wall or ceiling in my apartment, and I don't want to use some great big hood. I'd like to make some sort of legs to prop it up, something similar to the legs on a coralife 175w fixture I've seen on the 30G cube at a nearby lfs. Another option is to make two posts on the sides supporting a rod with the pendant hanging from it by its eyelets (like a shower or curtain rod arrangement). I am using eggcrate rather than the glass top that came with the tank. Aesthetics are important. Any ideas, or pics of your setup? thanks!
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!


Can you drill into the stand? You might be able to drill some posts into the back of the stand and have them come up to the height you want the fixture. Put something across the two posts, and hang the pendant from it. I have no idea the type of material you might need for this, or how sturdy it is, but thought I'd throw that idea out.
thanks for the welcome! I have been extremely impressed with the depth of knowledge and the "lets sit down and have an intellegent discussion about this" environment here!

I thought of acrylic dowels as "table legs" as well, But I am unsure if they will melt as the fixture gets quite hot and from what I've heard acrylic is very sensitive to temperature.

NaH2O: I might use a variation on your design. The eyelets are screwed into holes in the top of the pendant, on the edge of each side in the middle. I might remove the eyelets and screw in flat metal brackets that extend out to the width of the aquarium. I can then just set it on two posts of some sort that attatch to the rim of the tank. it would be cool to get posts that are telescopic so I can move the light up and down! anybody know of anything like this?

a simpler solution is to use wooden or acrylic dowels and then move the light up and down the length of the rod (lets keep it clean, this is a family thread! :lol:). I think another trip to home depot is in order.
I've got the same similar problem. Lucily for me I can drill and attach an arm to the wall...however, now I've got to figure out how to fit it and my current pc unit, which is 4 bulbs, so takes up some good space. I'm afraid getting it to close to the unit, will melt close do you think would be come problematic?
Also, I'm wiring to an ice cap ballast, can that then be wired to an extension cord, or do they have to be hard wired to the house wiring? Seeing as a lot of people rent and yet still seem to have MH's I don't see this as an option? How did you wire yours and what kind of ballast are you using?
here's the solution!



now I have a use for all that extra 3/4" PVC I'm not using. I'll post pics when I'm done. I bought it used from an LFS that used three of them to show off their massive zooanthid frag sale. it came with the PFO magnetic ballast and was pre-wired to plug right in. (the ballast is huge! its about the same proportions as a gamecube but about 20% bigger) An extension cord should work just fine, just make sure the gauge is big enough, and its hooked up to a GFI in case the lights fall into the tank...I don't know how high the light has to be, I'm gonna have to figure that out by trial and error. I'd rather keep it lower as it lights up my entire apartment when its on!!! :shock:
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Esper - you'd have to download those pics and post them up from your gallery, or put them as attachments to your post. I don't think you can use the img tags with previous attachments. It sounds like you are familiar with posting pics on boards, but here is a thread for those that are not sure: How to Post Photos.

BTW - I thought that was a great idea! I forgot all about how Todd did his lighting!
thanks for the tip! i guess i was just too lazy to try it that way. :lol:

for all those other lazy people out there who don't wanna click the links:
How has this lighting setup worked for you over time. I am considering a similar approach and was wondering if an issues came up after some use.
sorry i haven't posted pics of mine yet, i will soon...but my PVC light rack has worked brilliantly (har har har). seriously, the heat hasn't affected the PVC whatsoever and the tank increases about 1 degree with the light probably 8" from the surface. I have also added some PC actinic supplementation, which has only been running for a few days, but i haven't had any problems yet.