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That tang is so danng pretty!! And the chalacans are really looking good!

You know about the ultra rare Chalican cross breed too!! Adam is the only one with it. Some how an Acan and a Chalice got together and mated and now baby Chalicans!!!!:lol::lol::lol:
You know about the ultra rare Chalican cross breed too!! Adam is the only one with it. Some how an Acan and a Chalice got together and mated and now baby Chalicans!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

that cant be true.Adam just made that up i know he did:lol:this is to funny either way though
So adam talked his corals into cross breeding now.What is he going to talk to them about next:lol:
Adams been drinkin a little to much I think...

Speaking of which, you ready for me and Brett to come back over?
birth control :eek:

Adam you da man! How did you convince the acan and chalice to mate? I need to have a convo with Mr. Aptasia! He sent his army to invade my tank and now won't leave:lol::lol:. Any advice? Maybe my tone to harsh? I need for you to talk to them for me!:lol:
I need for you to talk to them for me!:lol:
Adam is your man for that, you know he is the coral AND fish whisperer. Maybe he could be a pest whisperer too, like some pied piper type action. I mean shoot, he's got a chalican!! It doesn't get any more badass than that!:lol: