moving livestock from a 90g to a 29g temporarily?

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Nov 2, 2005
Here's the situation, I'm buying an established 90 gallon setup that has livestock in it. I bought the tank mainly for freshwater to upgrade my overcrowded 29g. I originally was going to just buy the tank setup, and was waiting for all the live stock to be sold. The sale of the livestock didn't happen and we agreed on a price for everything. I was planning on starting a SW tank eventually with the 29g, and figured this would be a great chance to start one.

My plan is to transfer everything to the 29g until I figure out what to do. My concern is if it'll be overstocked. For filtration, I'll have a skimmer and a Rena XP3 canister for it. For lighting, I have 2 T5's VHO in it.

Here's a list of everything I want to transfer.
5 Damsels
1 Clown
1 Pajama Cardinal
1 Lawnmower blenny
1 tube anemone
All the live rock and live sand as well.

They're all pretty small.

I know I'm supposed to be patient about this, but I have a week to plan everything before the move.

Any tips, suggestions, comments? Am I crazy?

overstocked eh... probally only because u have 5 damsels in tight space ( the 29 gallons are more tall yes? than long) they might not like that , which in turn can stress out your whole entire tank and eventual meltdown :I ?

or if u dont want to rush it u can sell your livestock(fishes) or at least the damsel you dont want those really anyways they are mean and teritorial unless you have a nice big tank imo. and just keep the rock and sand circulating until you plan everything right if your still unsure this move will work out.
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Tradein =5 Damsels

Hey winggee call your LFS in your area and see if you can trade these guys in for store credit, or even a better deal for another Pajama Cardinal???
Then You will have a real good setup ;)

Here's the situation, I'm buying an established 90 gallon setup that has livestock in it. I bought the tank mainly for freshwater to upgrade my overcrowded 29g. I originally was going to just buy the tank setup, and was waiting for all the live stock to be sold. The sale of the livestock didn't happen and we agreed on a price for everything. I was planning on starting a SW tank eventually with the 29g, and figured this would be a great chance to start one.

My plan is to transfer everything to the 29g until I figure out what to do. My concern is if it'll be overstocked. For filtration, I'll have a skimmer and a Rena XP3 canister for it. For lighting, I have 2 T5's VHO in it.

Here's a list of everything I want to transfer.
5 Damsels
1 Clown
1 Pajama Cardinal
1 Lawnmower blenny
1 tube anemone
All the live rock and live sand as well.

They're all pretty small.

I know I'm supposed to be patient about this, but I have a week to plan everything before the move.

Any tips, suggestions, comments? Am I crazy?

I may be able to keep all the livestock. I think i'll be able to get a 55 long for free from my dad's house. I'm debating if I should drill the 55 or not. I have the bit and the bulkheads. Just not sure if i'm ready to do it with the timeframe. A HOB overflow would be easier and would allow me to put all the livestock in there for the time being, while I get a sump ready.

What do you guys think? Should I keep it simple for now and just run the 55 as-is and add a HOB overflow later or drill it for a corner overflow?

Thanks guys, I'm pretty excited about this.
What I think is that you've obviously been infected. You should just be honest with yourself and realize that you might as well keep the 90g as a reef tank since that's wahat it's gonna end up being anyway.:p

Resistance is futile. In a little while the only fresh water you're gonna care about is the stuff coming out of your RO/DI unit muahahahahahahahah:badgrin::badgrin:
heh. *nods* The itch is finally being scratched. :p

I've been down this path a few years ago, but was forced to sell off all the equipment I had collected. I'm in a much better position this time. I think I should just keep it simple for now and just move the 55g over and put them in there. I'll deal with the overflow later.
i would keep the 90gal as is and get rid of those damsels, i bought them as feeder fish for my lion well 3 survied one was a domino the other was grey and blue now just dark blue, and the third which i actually like is a blue and yellow tail. Hes awsome. But keep the 90gal reef because it will be better for water chemistry and then grab that 55 from ur dad and use that as ur upgrade for ur freshwater. just my opion though but ull like that setup more.

I completely understand and agree. I'm up against another force (the misses). The 55 is too "ugly" to go into the family room. So the 55 has to house the reef stuff for now. Maybe when you get back into town, I can look at your 100g?

heh. listen to me, i'm already talking about upgrading before even starting. :p
haha well im back in town lol but right now i really have to fix my tank cause my roomates pretty much let it get all ugly and crap. but u could always check out my lionfish haha hes pretty awsome. So when ever your down south near puyallup just hit me up
sure Slim, I actually work in tacoma, so it wouldn't be much of a drive for me. Once work dies down and I finish moving the tank over, I'll hit you up.

Does anybody know where I can get bulkheads locally in seattle? I had some bulkheads, but can't remember if I sold them all. I have two glass bits to drill the tank, but no bulk heads. If I can't find any locally before I move happens, I'll just leave it undrilled. I'd just like to avoid spending 100+ for a HOB overflow box.

I'm pretty excited about this. I'm still trying to find a cheap cargo van/truck rental place. I need to find some large containers to transport the water too.
local u can try ARSA up near shoreline? most LFS carry them but i believe its cheaper at McLendon hardware store (not sure the name but its in renton)
Thanks for the mclendons tip! I just checked their website, man I forgot how expensive bulkheads are. $15.99 for the bulkhead and $4.49 for the gasket. I'll have to give them a call to see if they have it in stock. Too bad I don't any smaller bits. I guess a 1.5" drain and 1.5" return should be nice on a 55.
:lol:This is too funy but sooooooooo true lmao....:lol:
What I think is that you've obviously been infected. You should just be honest with yourself and realize that you might as well keep the 90g as a reef tank since that's wahat it's gonna end up being anyway.:p

Resistance is futile. In a little while the only fresh water you're gonna care about is the stuff coming out of your RO/DI unit muahahahahahahahah:badgrin::badgrin:
So I got the 55g back to my place and resealed the corners last night. For some reason the tank didn't have a bead of silicone on the corners. I didn't have any masking tape or rubbing alcohol last night and thought I could do a clean job without it. Boy was I wrong. :) I have a good bead on the corners, but it's not pretty. When trying to wipe off the excess, I just ended up smearing it more. I figure I better leave it alone before making it even worse. In hindsight, I probably should've tried to fix it before it dried.

So... after it cures for a couple days, can I run a blade down the excess and peel it off? I want to make sure I dont compromise the seal.
