MRC Standard Calcium Reactors

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I got one about a year ago. It was to large for my system. It's nice but not the best. I would save a few more hundred and spend the money some where else.
Cool... thanks for the info ES. What was your biggest concern with it, and what size tank were you running it on?

My biggest concern with it was that it fed water from the top of the cylinder down.
It leaves to much room for dead space in my opinion. More of a chance for CO2 builds up chamber that in time will end up in your system.
2nd one was that it has a very large foot print so eats a lot of real state in your sump/stand.
3rd and last is the plumbing that comes with it. It’s got lost of little flexible hoses that might get pinched.

Some people love them; I was not one of them.

I have a 60 Cube 98% SPS.

A friend of mine game an Octopus reactor and that is what I am using right now. I don’t like anything made by Pacific coast. Well they don’t make them; they just put their name on it. They are made in China. They use metric plumbing so if you ever need to replace the anything on it; it’s going to be a pain.

I don’t like the Pump on it. I have killed 2 in 1 year. 2nd down side to it, it’s that you must run it in your sump. Or it will kill your pump, there for you will have more heat in your water.

Please do let me know what you end up getting and how much you love it or don’t love.

This is good info Frank. I decided to pick it up since I got the reactor, regulator, tank, and two gallons of media (off Craigs List) for $100.00. The only things I need now are some miscelanious pieces of hardware and a PH monitor. If I'm wrong with the purchase I figure I got my money's worth, and can always use the media and tank on another unit. I have a 55g with a 20g sump and 15g refrigum, and my coraline sucks my CA down like no other... which is why I decided it time for a reactor. Just plain tired of dosing all the time. I'll let you know how it goes. Mitch
calcium reactor

At list you have a plan.
The best thing you can do for you system is to get two little fish rectors to hold charcoal and nitrate removal phosban . I use to have the same problem getting my tank to get some purple in it. Now it’s all over the place. About the only thing that I have problem with is keeping my PH above 8.2 Just take your time and do what changes every 3 weeks with good salt and water and you will be fine. Just keep your hands out of your tank as much as possible.

Send me some pictures of your system and I will see where I can help.
Have a great one.

Ok I just got the reactor set up finally... this is my first one BTW. There were some complications. A leak here and there, but they are all fixed now. I might have to replace the needle valve, but that is minor right now. PH right now is at 8.2, but it's the night cycle so that's normal. Day time it was sitting at 8.3.

My PH probe went crazy whe I first started to run it... but now it seems to have settled down. It was literally jumping all over the place between 8.3 to 8.7 earlier today. Is that normai?

I'll watch it PH closely tonight and again in the am before I leave for work. CA is at 375 and alk is at 8. I watch to see if these drop or rise and adjust accordingly. I have by C02bubble set to 20 bubbles/min, and the drip is at 60 drops/min.

Wish me luck.


That is crazy.. Keep an eye on your PH and ALK. If they will be the two most important. The ALK will control your CA and your PH. Start slow and wait every 24 hours to make changes. If you end up having to add lots of CO2 Make sure your drip off gos into a cup with sand before it gos into your system. Gives it some time for the CO2 to blow out of the water.

How many SPS do you have in your system and how big are they..

Got my fingers cross for you.

PS. Mesure the PH on the Fluidity coming out of your reactor. It should be at 6.5 or 6.7 depends on what size media you are using. I found out that was the best way for me to set my reactor.
Ok I just got the reactor set up finally... this is my first one BTW. There were some complications. A leak here and there, but they are all fixed now. I might have to replace the needle valve, but that is minor right now. PH right now is at 8.2, but it's the night cycle so that's normal. Day time it was sitting at 8.3.

My PH probe went crazy whe I first started to run it... but now it seems to have settled down. It was literally jumping all over the place between 8.3 to 8.7 earlier today. Is that normai?

I'll watch it PH closely tonight and again in the am before I leave for work. CA is at 375 and alk is at 8. I watch to see if these drop or rise and adjust accordingly. I have by C02bubble set to 20 bubbles/min, and the drip is at 60 drops/min.

Wish me luck.

My SPS are all frags and have not done well with previous methods of dosing... too many swings in alk and ca for them to thrive. Hence the switch to a Ca reactor. LPS and clams are all doing well. I'm hoping to see some SPS growth with the reactor in the comming weeks. My PH of the effulent is 6.9, so I slowed the C02 bubble a little. I'm using a mix of the small and large grain ARM argonate. I'll check again tomorrow to see if this works. However the needle valve is acting a little funny, and my C02 tank is full, so I know it's beacuse of low C02.
Getting closer.... PH is at 8.15 in the tank, and the reactor it's coming out at 7. Working on getting it to 6.5 to 6.7 in the reactor. CA is at 375, MG is at 1100, and taking it slowly. I also got a refractometer and calibrated it with calibration fluid vs R/O water, and my salinity is really low... 1.021. So I'm working slowing raising that as well.

I'm really looking forward to getting all these paramater dialed in, so I can start to watch my SPS grow.
Ok... I think I got it. Ph is 7.9 to 8.3 depending on the time of day, CA is at 415, MG is at 1150 (but could be higher), Alk is at 11, salinity is at 1.022 (and climbing slowly), and the PH in the reactor is at 6.73. I think I'm ok with 6.73 for now.

I can already see improvements in my corals. My SPS's flagellum are extnding more, and my LPS look amazing. Oh and El Salvador i owe you some pics which I will get up here soon.
That is so great. I was wondering how your system was doing? I am so glad that you are finally getting to see some benefits from having a CA reactor on line.
Do you have a refugium in your system? If not you might want to get on in line. It’s ok for your PH to be from 7 to 8.5 not lower or higher. But I found it best to control my CA and ALK to have balanced PH. It will also effect how your MG gets depleted from your system. It’s such a crazy dance. I have found that if I feed my tank/Protein skimmer fresh air from out side my house/townhouse, I am able to keep my PH above 8.2 over night.

You need to get your MG about 1200 you are a bit on the lower side. Your ALK will be lower then it should be if you MG is that low. You might need to get a MG supplement for right now to bring it about 1200 it will help your ALK go up a few pp.

Can’t wait to see the pictures. I want before and after... LOL.

I am re doing my rock work this weekend. Wish me the best.
Yeah I have a fuge.. and it's teeming with pods and chaeto. It was one of the best additions I added to my system. My mandrian dragonette was real skinny, and two weeks after the fuge addition he was putting on weight. Now he's a total fatty.

Ok time for a H2O change.

Good luck with the rock work this weekend!
I had the same problem with my Mandrian, but i put in on my small tank and got him use to eating blood worms now that guy its everything I put in my tank even flakes. I have never had a Mandrian before that would it anything you put in his mouth. This guy must be part Italian. I have 60G cube with about 120LBS of rock so there is a lot of food in the tank for him. But I also have 3 wrasses in my tank.

How old is your tank and how often are you doing water changes?? How much much what do you change and what type of salt do you use?

I will be removing about 60LBS of rock from my tank. I think my corals are to high on the tank and get to much light.. because everything in my tank is great the only thing I dont like ist my Polyps dont extand like I would like.
Take care and have a great weekend.
How old is your tank and how often are you doing water changes?? How much much what do you change and what type of salt do you use? [/QUOTE said:
Hey Frank,

My tanks is 2 y.o. 55g, 20g wet/dry that I run wet only, 15g refrigum, and I'm posting the pictures for you now. I do 10% H20 change a week with IO salt. I must say that I can't beleive I have gone so long without a reactor. I have everything sitting where I want it with exception to salt (1.023). CA is 450, MG is 1300, ALK is 11, PH in the reactor is 6.5-6.7 depending on time of day. I'm honestly kicking myself for not buying a reactor sooner.

I'm worried about my green mele frag. It started to bleach from the bottom up before I got the reactor up and running, and I'm guessing it had to do with my big CA and ALK swings I had previously. The polyps have been retracted, but recently I'm seeing them start to extend again. I have not reen any bugs or nudis.

I'll also post the pick of the 120g I just got. I figure it will be a while before I get it running though since I need to do a bit of a remodel frist.

How everything with your tank and how old is it?

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60G Cube

I have a 60G cube. 2'x2'2' with a external over flow box. It's has been up for almost one year and it has been housing sps now for 4 month now. I started with two small frags to make sure they would do ok and not push my system over. I have found that it's nice to get big corals and have your tank look nice for about 2 weeks after that it crashes. I never really thought about how much my system would change if I put big stuff in my tank. So my PH.ALK,CA and everything was up and down just like yours. So it better now to just put one or two small frags and play with my numbers. Its better since they are so small it takes just a bit to re set your reactor.

I have 4 2' T5 lights two blue and two white. Plus I have a 400W HQI MH.
20G sump.

I have a old digital camara so the pictures are not the best. I will try to round up some and show them to you. I hope your system is able to grow now that you have everything they way it should be. Try to keep your salt levels around 1.025. I have found that I get better colors at that levels out of my SPS.

Great talking to you.


I love the new tank. I been thinking about getting a glass 220G when I get my new house. Just not sure if I want glass or acrylic.
But I love yours. How much did it set you back?
I love the new tank. I been thinking about getting a glass 220G when I get my new house. Just not sure if I want glass or acrylic.
But I love yours. How much did it set you back?

I bought it for $250 of of Trido (Duane). I have a few ideas as to how I want to set it up. One involves a big remodel, which is hard since I was just laid off, and the other is to put it in the same space where it is now. A distant third option is to move to a similar cube like yours, move my set up to the main floor, and rent out my basement where everything is currenly residing.

I wanted glass because I'm so sick of cleaning acrylic. Granted, my acryllic tank was a freeby and heavly scratched, I just don't like how hard they are to clean. My buddly had a glass tnak and it always cleaned up so nicely, so I decided to take that route.

... and yeah when you get a chance post some pics. I like to see your system.
