Mushrooms dying

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Jun 12, 2009
Kalispell Montana
I have a brand(5 weeks) new tank (40 breeder) and am having trouble getting it to "cycle". I have 40 lbs live rock all live sand. 150 metal halide and 2x50/50's. 2 cromis and 2 2 damsels. And some what i would consider base rock. ( a friend gave it to me from a tank with no lighting or heat. It was live rock before) i have a peice of pulsing zenia (happy plant) an tiny rabbits ear piece (very happy) 2 little zoo's (happy) and some sort of daisy thing (happy) i bought 3 friggen mushroom rocks put them in the shade (little current) and they are dying. The bad part is i spent the most on those suckers!!! I have moved them around too just in case they might like the light. It doesnt matter. Cani i save them or not? Should i take them out? Help!!!
what are your water parameters, temp, etc...? we just setup our 50 gallon and are waiting at least a month to cycle the tank before we actually stock it. how long did you wait to put the livestock in? did you run the skimmer + lights or just cold cook the tank?
what are your water parameters, temp, etc...? we just setup our 50 gallon and are waiting at least a month to cycle the tank before we actually stock it. how long did you wait to put the livestock in? did you run the skimmer + lights or just cold cook the tank?

Set up: used RO water heated it to 80 deg ran 4 days just sand with lights on timers 2 opposing powerheads put live rock in waited another 5 days feeding it frozen fish food. ammonia good nitates good salintiy good. put 2 fish in at a time 2 days apart 2 days later got the skimmer in place. then got the other goodies becuase everyone says that stuff survives cycling. prepared to loose fish.
...The bad part is i spent the most on those suckers!!! ...

As Don mentioned in your other thread, if you just randomly do things with this tank and don't take the time to understand what's going on, you're going to lose money - plain and simple.

I'd say you need to slow down and make sure that tank is cycled. If you have enough bacteria in there, you won't see ammonia/nitrites, but you WILL eventually see the nitrates creeping up on you. Until then, I wouldn't consider the tank cycled and I wouldn't put another living thing in there.

The other issue you could be having is an OD of iodine. In the other thread, you mentioned dosing both PurpleUp (which has iodine in it) and iodine. At this point, there's absolutely no reason to be dosing either of those, and it's debatable as to whether or not there's EVER a good time to dose either of those!

In a nutshell... slow down, read up, and don't treat this like a freshwater tank. It ain't.
As Don mentioned in your other thread, if you just randomly do things with this tank and don't take the time to understand what's going on, you're going to lose money - plain and simple.

I'd say you need to slow down and make sure that tank is cycled. If you have enough bacteria in there, you won't see ammonia/nitrites, but you WILL eventually see the nitrates creeping up on you. Until then, I wouldn't consider the tank cycled and I wouldn't put another living thing in there.

The other issue you could be having is an OD of iodine. In the other thread, you mentioned dosing both PurpleUp (which has iodine in it) and iodine. At this point, there's absolutely no reason to be dosing either of those, and it's debatable as to whether or not there's EVER a good time to dose either of those!

In a nutshell... slow down, read up, and don't treat this like a freshwater tank. It ain't.

thanks for your not very nice answer to a newbie and BELIEVE ME i know it isnt "fresh water" Getting some bad advice here in po dunk Montana i guess. i was told mushroom are easiest and i have no intention of doing anything more. i didnt "randomly" put anything in there either. I decided to join this, my very first forum for help not critisim.
Nobody is trying to belittle you. Its more about understanding what this hobby is. Its not just fish and corals. Its science and the fish and corals are the pay off. People come and most go and go quick. They don't listen and don't have time for the science so they waste money and fail. If you listen to the folks here that have been around for awhile you'll be much better off in the long run.

if your xenia is happy and its pulsing then that means there is no problem...when i cycled my tank nearly a month i tried putting 1 stalk of xenia just to try if they will do ok but they melted so that means my water is not ready yet so i waited 2 more weeks then i put xenia again and they did good so that means my tank is ready...........

mushrooms is really hardy and easy to care for.....what kind of mushrooms did you get?
nobody is trying to belittle you. Its more about understanding what this hobby is. Its not just fish and corals. Its science and the fish and corals are the pay off. People come and most go and go quick. They don't listen and don't have time for the science so they waste money and fail. If you listen to the folks here that have been around for awhile you'll be much better off in the long run.


oh im listening. I have my list. And like ive said i have recieved bad advice and now im trying to figure it out. Some of the books i have even contradict themselves. Thats why im here. I only respond yo nice people though. Sorry.
if your xenia is happy and its pulsing then that means there is no problem...when i cycled my tank nearly a month i tried putting 1 stalk of xenia just to try if they will do ok but they melted so that means my water is not ready yet so i waited 2 more weeks then i put xenia again and they did good so that means my tank is ready...........

Mushrooms is really hardy and easy to care for.....what kind of mushrooms did you get?

i rock of plain brown ones (lol) some green ones and a neon green. Sorry wasnt given the real names. These were all on rocks. 3-5 on each. Thing is is i love them. Bumbed out. And yes zenia is nuts! Im trying to think of a good name for her!
Books are ok but one thing they all agree on is water chemistry. Most are out dated so the internet is a pretty good source. Xenia is not a barometer of water quality or parameters. To many thing like good water quality will kill xenia. Use your test kits.
books are ok but one thing they all agree on is water chemistry. Most are out dated so the internet is a pretty good source. Xenia is not a barometer of water quality or parameters. To many thing like good water quality will kill xenia. Use your test kits.

cant believe i cant just go buy them!! Have to order them. I have the basic test kit (amonia, ph nitrate etc.) but not one for iodine and calcium and phosphates. Any others i should get and any suggestions besides dr fosters on where to get them and what brand to get?
Try barrier reef aquariums. Don't forget Mg and you don't need iodine it won't be accurate anyways. Elos or salifert. Lamotte is the most problem free if you can afford them.

Try barrier reef aquariums. Don't forget Mg and you don't need iodine it won't be accurate anyways. Elos or salifert. Lamotte is the most problem free if you can afford them.


thanks for your not very nice answer to a newbie and BELIEVE ME i know it isnt "fresh water" Getting some bad advice here in po dunk Montana i guess. i was told mushroom are easiest and i have no intention of doing anything more. i didnt "randomly" put anything in there either. I decided to join this, my very first forum for help not critisim.

Wow... if that was "not very nice", you wouldn't want to see my snotty response! :lol:

You mentioned in your other thread that you were just going to "trial and error" it, and I was just trying to point out that with that attitude, yeah... you will lose money. And until you go away from the trial and error method, you'll continue to lose money.
wow... If that was "not very nice", you wouldn't want to see my snotty response! :lol:

You mentioned in your other thread that you were just going to "trial and error" it, and i was just trying to point out that with that attitude, yeah... You will lose money. And until you go away from the trial and error method, you'll continue to lose money.

i just re read all of these posts. I never said "trail and error it" and i joined this forum like i said for help not critism. I have been listening to those with advice and i literally have a list. So far i see none from you. Dont hold back with your snotty respose on my behalf.
Well... I thought "waiting out the cycle" and "overdose of iodine" was help, but I'll just bow out and let you deal with your problems with the nice folks here.

You also might want to go back and reread this:

...i am so busy besides working. anyway. trial and error i thing is what i have to resort to now. ill just go SUPER slow at adding stuff...

If you didn't say you weren't going to resort to trial and error in that thread, I'm not sure what you meant to say.
Actually you did mention trial and error in your other thread in your response to me. Not a big deal Kurt is just trying to keep you from making the same mistakes as so many others. Personally I think you should have to pass a test to be allowed in the hobby. Since that's not going to happen your just going to have to learn to deal with the blunt comments and learn from them.

well... I thought "waiting out the cycle" and "overdose of iodine" was help, but i'll just bow out and let you deal with your problems with the nice folks here.

You also might want to go back and reread this:

if you didn't say you weren't going to resort to trial and error in that thread, i'm not sure what you meant to say.

i'll give you that one and i cant believe i said it except out of frustration. And yes you can leave me to my problems. I have my work cut out.
How exciting a new tank! This is a GREAT place to learn stuff! Congratulations.
Errr about those test kits, what I had to do is get them one at a time, over time. My wallet couldn't take it all in one big purchase!:eek:

I think it was Don who said that really clean water kills xenia hahahaha mine grows like weeds :rolleyes:.

I hope you can get some pictures of your tank up in this thread.