My 12 Gal Nano Mixed Reef

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Nov 1, 2011
Gig Harbor, WA
I am new to this forum, so I thought that I would share a little about my tank, which is a 12 gal display with a 10 gal sump/fuge. This is my second tank, my first was a 29 gal that had to be dismantled when we moved to Germany for awhile. This little tank has been up and running about 5 months now. The oldest frags in there have been in for about 3 months (primarily the stylophora birdsnest and some of the zoos), and the newest were put in 3 days ago. Everything started out as 1 inch or 2 polyp frags and are growing like mad, so I couldn't be happier. It's crowded because I'm growing frags in anticipation of an upgrade to a 35 (or so) gal tank this winter. I started to describe my equipment and system and my post was suddenly a novel, so I'll leave that to later posts. I apologize for the terrible picture quality. I obviously need to hang out on the photography forum, and ditch the coral background which oddly doesn't show up much in real life but jumps out like crazy in pics. Funny how I can never get the true colors in my tank to show but that dang background is in technicolor!
Welcome aboard!!! Lovely nano!! I use to have the same issue with photos so don't feel bad:p

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Dido on the picture taking. Mine always look like crap.
I am sure you will be much happier with a larger tank to play with, most of us are.
I didn't read that you had a coral background, I thought all of that was in your tank. Grow as many frags out as possible so when you transfer you will have a tank that looks fuller and have some for trades.