My 120g Project

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210 will be my next one!!!.. i finally saw one in person the other day!! i want to own my own home before i get it though..i will keep the 120g.. i really like it.. i haven't ever had one with this depth from front to back..i do miss my 6ft tank though
well i'm in the process of putting all of my corals in the new tank.. i will get some pics when i'm done and post them later on tonight after work!!
the tank is running!!!! i got some pics now that the corals and fish are all in together..i took a few pics from the side angle i think they look neat.. you can see my new Maxi-jet mods in the pics too.. i have them on my MJ1200's.. i don't think i am even going to have to hook up my closed loop because of the amount of flow they are putting out!!
they seem to be working well!! they are putting out very good flow.. i am probably going to go ahead and get the magnets that go with the kit just to make them a little smaller
Looks like the tank has been up for a while (LOL)
i know!!! it looks good now.. it sucks because when all the relatives get here next month to see the baby, i am probably going to have green algae growing in there..i think i will have a small algae bloom.. my last big one looked good for a few weeks, then when i added the halides, i had an algae bloom... i am going to try to keep it at bay at least until after the relatives leave
LOL!!! What I did to avoid that on my 75gal was add a light with more watts per gal over my sump on an alternate photoperiod to make the conditions more favorable for the algae to grow there rather than in the tank. Worked great! Hardly anything in the tank, but the sump, I had to vaccum it out every week from all the algae and cyno that grew till things balanced out :)
i got some chaeto in the tank right now.. i am going to build a small space in my sump to keep it in..i need to get a small light for it..i am going to have to skim and do several water changes in the weeks to come!! i think i am also going to cover my overflows with some screening.. my last one grew alot of algae in the vents of the overflows because of all the light
Well, hopefully it won't be too bad this time. You may be surprised and not have much of a cycle at all :)
got algae growing very quickly on the glass every day.. i have been scrubbing it off only for it to come back the next day.. i have been skimming heavily.. i plan to do some big water changes
Go to the Two Part Solutions site (sponsor) & get the HC GFO phosphate reducer, It is worth the price.
i really need to replace my filters in my RO/DI unit.. i know the DI resin is very past due for being replaced!!! my sediment filter is pretty dirty looking too
Updated Pics!!!!

i just got a minute to take some updated pics of my tank and corals.
they are doing really well...the two dime sized ones are getting bigger every day.. they are about the size of half-dollars now.. i took my powder brown out of qt about 2 weeks ago.. i had him in hypo for about 5 weeks and it apparently wasn't long enough ..I GOT ICH IN MY DISPLAY!!!! it doesn't seem too bad though.. i have only seen one or two spots so far.. i can't set up a qt now that the baby is here... i may try to add garlic, but that is all i can do right now..the corals are doing really well now.. they have grown more in a month in the 120g than they did in 6 months of being in the 40g!!! i guess it is more stable.. the temp definitely doesn't vary 4-5 degrees a day anymore
It would be better to keep your tangs healthy & not worry so much about Ick, sounds like you might of already had it in the main display. As long as you have quality water, in time he will acclimate to your tank & surroundings & what Ick you see will go away.