My 24 gallon horrible tank

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All typed of macroalgae (shaving brush, etc.) die within a few weeks (except cheato). Shaving brushes often die, poor survival in tanks
the fish die in different way. mandarin died within 2 days. pearly jawfish died within a month. clown goby died within a month. I don't remember the other fish right now but its the same time frame. sexy shrimp died one by one over the course of two-three months. peppermint died one by one over the course of 4 months. Almost every one of these fish/shrimp have high tank mortality rates

I will check the stray voltage today with my meter. I will also double check the temp with some other thermometers.

As for the water quality, yes its the same source water but the interaction within the tank is what I think is different. You guys think not enough live rock? Maybe the sand-bed is screwy? Its only two inches and it was brand new when I put it in the tank so I don't see how.

Do a 100% water change just to be sure, but I suspect the fish and shrimp choices and perhaps where they might have come from. After the change, put some tough fish such as damsels or clowns in and see how they do. Later can swap out for more challenging species.
Your fish and invert selection are not all compatible with one another.

To start with, a mandarin should never be housed in such a small tank, though that doesn't explain why it died so quickly.

Next, you mentioned having a jawfish and sexy shrimp. I would imagine that your sexy shrimp became an expensive morsel of a snack for your jawfish. Jawfish are known for eating small, ornamental shrimp.

Next, I know you've listed your tank parameters, but I would suggest having your water tested by a second test kit. Could be that your test kits are messed up. What all do you test for? What type of test kits are you using?

Finally, I'd suggest that you start using carbon and replace it weekly.
I don't know if that's it. I had a peppermint shrimp in my 29g BC for 10 months and now he's in the 125g since I took the BC down. I've had sexy shrimp in a 5.5g for a couple months now. I feed them once a week. He has 2 gobies that are fine. Something is definitely weird. Like I said in my original post, you're going to get a lot of speculation, but you're not going to get an answer.
One other thing to add to my earlier post. The smaller the tank, the harder to keep stable. With delicate fish and inverts, the changing conditions predisposes them to stress and they die. Some get lucky with nanos, other have years of experience and lots of rock and do fine. But that doesn't change the fact that Nanos are tough due to the small amount of water held, and perameters that can change with the weather.
What's your pH like? It could be CO2 building up due to not enough aeration, especially without a skimmer. Those nanos have pretty tight lids.
Your fish and invert selection are not all compatible with one another.

To start with, a mandarin should never be housed in such a small tank, though that doesn't explain why it died so quickly.

Next, you mentioned having a jawfish and sexy shrimp. I would imagine that your sexy shrimp became an expensive morsel of a snack for your jawfish. Jawfish are known for eating small, ornamental shrimp.

Next, I know you've listed your tank parameters, but I would suggest having your water tested by a second test kit. Could be that your test kits are messed up. What all do you test for? What type of test kits are you using?

Finally, I'd suggest that you start using carbon and replace it weekly.

All those shrimp and fish have been in at separate times. I did not mean to make it sound like they were together in the tank at the same time. When the sexy shrimp died I waited some time and got the mandarin. When that died I waited and got the jawfish, etc.

The mandarin was under 2" and the 24 was going to be his home for about a year before moving him into my larger tank.

I think carbon is a good idea. Bags stink, what do you guys use in nanos?

What percentage of water do you change during water changes and how often?
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I ran carbon for the first couple months using the carbon sold by oceanic for the biocube. It comes prepackaged with filter floss. The last 7 months or so of running the tank, I didn't run any carbon. I did a water change every week of 3 gallons.
Are you acclimating them from your qt to your other tank? If the live fine in qt????. I would take all living things out of the tank and put in qt then get rid of everything and start over with the water from your qt.

I have a 29 gal that I use a hob filter. works great./
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