My 300 Gallon sps tank

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I like how the blue ridge is growing. Mine is currently jockeying for position with an encrusting monti... it's a slow race. :)
hey Carla, your corals seem to have taken a different direction from the first time i saw your 300. more LPS. are you running your light output at 100%? or ? do you think the change is related to your lights or something else? i got the week off, yesterday i had surgery on my right shoulder and i'm already getting bored. maybe i'll start building a sump for my 210 when i convert it to SW. still haven't found the right tank for my FW fish. i know what i want but i'm to cheap to buy it (acrylic is so expensive) and too nervous to do a plywood build.
i hope all is well with you..
Another surgery huh? Hopefully this one fixes things, how long are you going to be off work Rob?

My lights are at 65% blue and 60% whites, and i think that is where everything seems comfy. I know I have a nitrate issue, and I am in the process of trying to get that under control with biopellets and really aggressive skimming. I really honestly think I may be on the verge of Old Tank Syndrome, after 11 years things are just not the way they used to be ya know!!!
as far as work is concerned, i'll know more in a couple days. i don't have a lot of sick time built up so that is more likely to determine when i go back, a week maybe two.....

do you think your SPS would do better with higher light out put? i have been switching my house over to LED's, gotta love the power savings but the bulbs are spendy..... mostly i put them in places that are hard to replace.

Old Tank syndrome? never heard of that. maybe it's a nutrient thing or what?
"I really honestly think I may be on the verge of Old Tank Syndrome,"

Sure it ain't old man syndrome......:p:p:p:p

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.

Hope all is well, you thawing out yet?
As requested :) :)




Ummmmmmm you need to look back at least 2.5 years for a clam.

I am not like I was at that time, this tank is basically in a real slow grow out mode, I hardly frag anything anymore, just don't wanna. Let the other idiots push their limits and look for super growth thinking they are gonna make money off of this ;)
Got it, Sorry about the clam, no salt makes you miss a few things, old age and drugs catching up with me, as for the money, why do you think I'm trading my Vic's off. Too much work for too little return.
Oh I here ya there, this thing has almost come down 2 times in the last 4 years Robert, I have honestly seen enuf tragedy with this thing, but you either stick with it or you go away. This has been up for 11.5 years, it stayed