My 375 Reef

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Current Critters:

Hippo Tang (donated to me by a friend in 2005)
Hippo Tang (purchased 1995) – passed away Feb 2012
Yellow Belly Hippo Tang (added March 2008)
3 Orange Clown Gobies (11-16-2012)
Regal Angel (added March/2008)
Hoeven’s Wrasse (9/21/2011)
Red Sea Emperor Angel (June/14/2007)
Yellow Tailed Angel (April/19/2008)
Flame Fin Tomini Tang (May/2007)
Coral Beauty (May/2007)
Male Orange Anthias (Lyretail) (added Feb/2008)
female Mandarin (Jan 7 2010)
Yellow Pyramid Butterfly (Dec 20 2010)
1 Female Unknown Lyretail Anthia (April/2008)
1 Female Square Spot Anthia (June 2010)
1 White-faced Tang (8-26-2012)
1 Yellow Pyramid Butterfly (8-26-2012)
1 Yellow Coris Wrasse Butterfly (12-13-2013)
1 Ruby Red Dragonet (12-13-2013)
1 Yellow Pyramid Butterfly (2-21-2012)
1 Black Pyramid Butterfly (May 14 2010)

The overflow goes to a series of 3 24 gallon sumps. The first one contains Cheato, another one is full of live rock. the last of the tanks contains baffles, auto topoff controller and the return area. Two of these tank has 2 500w heaters in it controlled by a Ranco Temp Controller. I have a fourth 24 gallon tank that has live rock and 2 starfish ( my daughter wanted) it is feed off the return line. I have about over 1000LBS of Live Rock and 2″ of Live Sand in the 375. The LS and LR have been in different tanks since 1995 so they are well matured. I have mixed sand, Some live and some not, all fine grain sand. I also used Nature’s Ocean Bio-Activ Live Reef Sand from Advance Aqua Tanks, This stuff works great. It makes up 50% or more of the sand in my tanks. It is cheaper than most Live Sand. My Live Rock is a mix of Premium Fiji, Pohnpei, Marshall Island, Caribbean, and Kaelini Tonga Ultra. I added a 10 gallon over the top refugium for pods. Its feed from the return and gravity feed it directly to the main tank. I added a Tunze 9430 Skimmer in November 2013. - Lanthanum chloride is used for phosphate control.
Oh wow, a Red Sea emp? Nice catch there. Was it an adult when you got him? Great job on keeping that hippo tang for 17 years.

From the list he gave, most likely yellow tail angel. :)


nice esp the red sea emperor angel...I have 6 large angels in my 375g tank with 3 more angels in QT (one being a red sea regal angel that I cant wait to add to the main tank).
I believe the orange tails are heavily influenced by environmental factors, mainly diet. I've read a lot about large adult specimens collected with the orange tail that lose it after 6+ months in captivity.

I also have a 3-5 stocked with 9 large angels and very interested in how your angels behave with the SPS?

I'm considering add some to my bare fowlr system
I have had no issues with the angles and my sps corals.
I feed twice a day to help make sure they do not want to nip. If I put an LPS coral in the tank the Emperor will go right after it.
(Whistles) daaaaaang. Nice tank. Idk if I said this.... Nice tank.
I gotta go and see wat kind of fish those r. Pyramid butterfly?!
Keep at it!
Very nice as usual! Any issues with aggression or nipping from the emp? I've been on the fence about getting one for a long time, just waiting for my baby Navarchus pair to come out of qt and get established...
It was asked on another site for a longer video so here is it:

Yellow Belly Hippo Tang (added March 2008)
3 Orange Clown Gobies (11-16-2012)
Regal Angel (added March/2008)
Hoeven’s Wrasse (9/21/2011)
Red Sea Emperor Angel (June/14/2007)
Yellow Tailed Angel (April/19/2008)
Flame Fin Tomini Tang (May/2007)
Coral Beauty (May/2007)
Male Orange Anthias (Lyretail) (added Feb/2008)
female Mandarin (Jan 7 2010)
Yellow Pyramid Butterfly (Dec 20 2010)
1 Female Unknown Lyretail Anthia (April/2008)
1 Female Square Spot Anthia (June 2010)
1 White-faced Tang (8-26-2012)
1 Yellow Pyramid Butterfly (8-26-2012)
1 Yellow Coris Wrasse Butterfly (12-13-2013)
1 Ruby Red Dragonet (12-13-2013)
1 Yellow Pyramid Butterfly (2-21-2012)
1 Black Pyramid Butterfly (May 14 2010)

I have had no issues with the angels and the corals
Update on the tank, I added 2 Juv. Emperor Angels and 5 cleaner shrimp yesterday. I hope it works out :)






