My 40 gallon mixed tank

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May 31, 2004
Olympia, WA
This tank has been in continual transition. Starting out as a zoanthid only tank, then a montipora cap tank, now a mixed tank. Some of it is overflow from my 180.



Great shots!

Thanks for sharing the pictures Finn I love the purple and lime green Zoo's shot alot, Well aside from that Lawnmower you have Looks like he is starving:p
Thanks again Finn......Jeff
Very nice Finn! I love the layout and everything is so clear. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I really loved them
The Apprentice said:
Thanks for sharing the pictures Finn I love the purple and lime green Zoo's shot alot, Well aside from that Lawnmower you have Looks like he is starving:p
Thanks again Finn......Jeff

Thanks, the zoo's are my ppe's.
The lawnmower, well he is doing just fine. Got him, the frogspawn and the caneycane corals from Oscapus, when he moved out of state.
Lawnmowers & Lighting

Finn I think the Lawnmower is my favorite blenny I have a smaller one that will eat nori out of my hand.. On this 40 gal tank what kind of lighting do you have to keep the Montiporas happy?

finn said:
Thanks, the zoo's are my ppe's.
The lawnmower, well he is doing just fine. Got him, the frogspawn and the caneycane corals from Oscapus, when he moved out of state.
Right now I have a 250 watt PFO ballast with a Hamilton 14k bulb, with some pc actinic. The tank is only 30" wide, so I get pretty good coverage with a single mh.
I like blue.
When I got the lawnmower blennie, he was a little skiddish, his previous home was with a peacock mantis.:eek:
Now he has to deal with a very busy green coris wrasse. I put the wrasse in the tank when I was having problems with a monti cap nudibranch outbreak. The wrasse seems to have done the trick.:D
I going to try and catch him soon, he likes to turn corals over to look for food.
I like blue

Ditto on that Finn do you have any heating issues with the halide on that small of tank? How hi is the light mounted above the tank? Thanks Finn I am thinking of moving some of my Monti's into a 30 gallon long

finn said:
Right now I have a 250 watt PFO ballast with a Hamilton 14k bulb, with some pc actinic. The tank is only 30" wide, so I get pretty good coverage with a single mh.
I like blue.
I use a cheap $7 clip-on fan that blows air across the top of the water in the tank. My canopy has a open back. The mh bulb is 8" from the water.
Very Nice picks, I like the 40 gallon tank size, I'm looking into making one about that, do you like the dimensions in particular, if not what dimensions would you want or prefer for a 40g?

Thanks, I'm still planning a new tank.

I had this tank made about 15 years ago as a discus breeding tank. The discus are long gone, but I hung onto the tank because it was a nice size. 30"x18"x18".