My 75 full blown reef

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Mar 26, 2009
Finally think I will make a thread for my reef. I started this tank up about 6 months ago. Ran it with just substrate and rock for a while, and then threw my 20 long all in there. It is a 75 gallon Tenecor acrylic with built in the back overflow sump-wet/dry filter. Have just over 300 watts of t5 lighting and lunar lights, and a canister filter circulates from the last section of the wet/dry back into the display. About 100 different varieties of coral find this tank to be their home. (when I say 100, I have 40+ species, but many color variations.)
Let's start with a few pictures.


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I run my tank all natural with no dosing, no skimmer, no reactors, no chillers or any of that fancy stuff. I just give a lot of time and attention. Feed, clean, test, change water, pluck algae, and watch my corals grow. Don't even have an ro/di unit, just use conditioned tap water. Before anybody points out that this isn't a good idea, I already know. I've been in the saltwater fun for about 2 years now, and have done my research. Next upgrade, I will get the proper equipment to make my life easier, but for now this works.
My fish include:
1 lawnmower blenny
1 oscellaris clown
1 yellow tailed damsel
1 mandarin dragonnette
and 1 pajama cardinal

Inverts other than corals:
2 peppermint shrimp
1 huge brittle star
hundreds of stomotella snails
1 huge RBTA
and probably thousands of mini brittle stars and bristle worms
Here's my huge Trachyphyllia, some balanophyllis and the black sun coral. The last photo didn't turn out too well, but it's a single head acan lord that cought a stomotella snail and ate it.


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Lookin good man! I'm impressed that you can keep that nice of reef without all the hoots and whistles. Just shows that you CAN have a successful saltwater tank without all that stuff. Congratulations, I hope you get more pics up soon. Especially of zoas/palys :)
Thanks! Yes it is possible to have a nice reef without all that fancy equipment, but still not advisable for most people. Come check it out some time if you are ever around this way. If you like zoas/palys, you are in for a treat!
Lookin good man! I'm impressed that you can keep that nice of reef without all the hoots and whistles. Just shows that you CAN have a successful saltwater tank without all that stuff. Congratulations, I hope you get more pics up soon. Especially of zoas/palys :)
Here's some of the zoas for you. Only have a few real colonies, most of them are just starting. I have about 50 varieties including:
Purple Hornet
Blue Hornet
Candy Apple Red
Greenbay Packers
Raptors Rainbow
LA lakers
Fruity Pebbles
Ring of Fire
Bam Bams
Kedds Redds
Nuke Greens
Tubbs Blue
Devils Armour
Acid Drop PEs
and more...........


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Also have Mean Greens, Pink panthers, deepwater bloody reds, Mohawks, Lavendar pink palys, radioactive dragon eyes, Whammin' watermelons, and at least 20 unknown or no name zoas and palys. Still forgetting a few I think.
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A few more pictures. My large purple/green fungia plate coral, one of the two green goniastreas, and a couple of several red Echinophyllias.


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Nice! I'd love to come over but I live in Idaho. If I ever make it up that way I'll def. look you up though! I'm a zoa/paly addict too - I just ordered a ton from Charisse(Luisse25) a couple weeks ago lol
That's where I got a lot of mine!
Nice! I'd love to come over but I live in Idaho. If I ever make it up that way I'll def. look you up though! I'm a zoa/paly addict too - I just ordered a ton from Charisse(Luisse25) a couple weeks ago lol