My 90 gallon Wave Tank Upgrade/Build

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I'd like to see that too, or maybe links to the online article that gave you the idea - the aquascape in the new tank is baller ~ :eek:)
He he he... never heard the word "baller" used for my aquascaping before... love it!

I do not remember the website where I found the pvc piping but I remember googling it and finding some interesting things. Of course when it came time to actually build it myself I had to make 3 or 4 trips to the hardware store to cut, re-cut, buy more corners, etc etc etc. I am glad the guys there know me and know about my tank or they would probably be thinking I am one crazy chic! I did not end up with the same design as the picture I posted in the beginning of my thread. It morphed into my own design and it worked for me. The key to the whole thing for me was being able to place a pump behind it that pushes the water through the island. I also needed to be able to get to it for cleaning. I used a small pump for this because it is flowing from back to front and I did not want my sand pushed all over the place. Anyways, I will post some more pics after this weekend. Things are growing out super fast! I am finally satisfied and not changing things up, you know how we do... get the itch and start moving stuff around! I plan to not touch stuff now for a few weeks. Oh and I made an in tank refugium a couple of days ago. It is made out of a small plastic rectangle aquarium (like for frogs or bugs) and I drilled a gazillion holes everywhere, then glued an extra mag float to it, filled it with lr & macro algae and now it is sitting happily on the inside edge of my tank just under the water line! Daryl gave me the idea - THANKS DARYL!!! I will try to get it in some of my new pics too... Thanks everyone for the nice comments, it makes me feel good when some of you long time reefers like what I have done :)
