My 90G starphire/rimless cube build thread

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Yes ended up with a Elos 70 but still do not have time to set it up. Am dealing with a few house renovations that need to be done first.

Keep the pics coming cant wait to see what the final layout looks like.
I have to say the transfer was quite the pain. I unloaded the 65G into bins and setup the new tank only to have the back wall pop off and almost overflow the tank within a few hours of filling it. I had to drain the new tank and transfer everything back into the 65G to re silicon the back wall on. I didn't really know how buoyant this foam was so I didn't use very much silicon the first time, I was rather generous the second time and now I know it won't be moving anywhere. The fish/corals were without lights and got transferred 3 times between Saturday afternoon and Monday morning. But so far everything looks happy in the new tank and the fish were out and about. I also found my tailspot blenny is extremely hardy. I forgot to add him to the new tank the first night so he spend the night in a 5 gallon bucket with about 2" of water and no heater. The water temp dropped to about 65 degree but he seemed just fine yesterday as he was picking at the rocks in the new tank. So far all of the other livestock seems happy as well. Here are some transfer shots.

65G filled to the brim while the silicon had to cure for the back wall in the new tank.

New tank in place:

Filling it up and transferring the rock/livestock from the 65G.

Filled, stocked, and running:

Some tank shots with just the Radium fired up:



As you can see, I'm still have quite the micro bubble problem as the skimmer it filling my sump with bubbles. Hopefully it will break in sooner rather than later.

I also think there is too much rock in the display and I haven't added any of the sand yet. I plan to let the tank mature for a little while before I remove some of my older live rock to open up the aquascape a little bit. I'll also add the sand slowly to avoid clouding the water more than it already is. I got the AC Jr. all wired up and now I need to finish cleaning the wiring up and finish a bit of detail on the doors before they go on. I also lowered the canopy a few more inches than what is pictured and noticed it is about 1" off centered so I'll need to fix that. More updates as things progress!
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Call me crazy but I think it looks kinda awesome like that hehe :)

So with those walls, do you think if you had added more LR to the structure it would have kept them from floating away from you?
Very Nice! I think it looks great now, but it might be nice to with it a little more open. Great job!
Very Nice! I think it looks great now, but it might be nice to with it a little more open. Great job!

It will be a bit more open once everything is a bit more established and I can remove some of my older LR.

I also have been e-mailing Jon about the micro bubbles and it seems the foam walls may be to blame for the skimmer going crazy as that amount of bubbles definitely isn't a normal thing. I'm going to route the output up to a 'T' and then into the filter sock to hopefully get rid of the bubbles until everything balances out and returns back to normal.
Hey rick, looking awesome. wasn't your old tank bare bottom. Are you planning to add sand to the new setup? if so, how much?
Hey rick, looking awesome. wasn't your old tank bare bottom. Are you planning to add sand to the new setup? if so, how much?

My other tank had sand and this one will as well. I was just waiting for things to stabilize out a bit before adding fresh sand. I don't plan on much, maybe 1-2" or so. I have a pistol shrimp in there now and plan to add another shrimp goby to replace the Yasha I lost (he was with me for 3+ years).

And here are a few updated pictures from today. The anemone decided to move on me so I had to shift a few things around. I really like where he is at right now so hopefully he will end up staying there for good. But so far the corals are looking better each day and the fish seem normal as can be. Right now there are only a pair of clowns, Tailspot Blenny, Firefish, and a Cherub Angel in there. I plan to add some more in the next few weeks. Here are the shots.





The second one was hiding

My frogspawn finally has some more room to grow
Rick, positively STUNNING! I see you can't keep away from them cute little tailspots. Make sure no bully blenny's chase it out the top. That's what happened to the one I got from you many ages back.
that Rose looks stunning. didn't you use Eco Rox? did your tank cycle that fast? you already added most of your lifestock.
that Rose looks stunning. didn't you use Eco Rox? did your tank cycle that fast? you already added most of your lifestock.

I did use Eco Rocks. As for the cycle, I'm hoping there won't be much, if any, cycle since the rock was dry and there is nothing to die off (hopefully). I put the rocks into a 30G trashcan with a heater and a few PH's for about a week before it went into the new tank and my skimmer didn't really pull any skimmate from it, the stuff seemed really clean. I figured my old rock would act as the filtration and seed the new stuff until it becomes "live". I'm just going to make any new additions slowly.

Rick, positively STUNNING! I see you can't keep away from them cute little tailspots. Make sure no bully blenny's chase it out the top. That's what happened to the one I got from you many ages back.

Tailspots are awesome little fish. There is nothing in there right now that even comes close to bothering him, he seems nice and comfortable. Bummer that you lost that one a few years back though :(
So far things have been going pretty well. Here are the changes since the last update:
-Added a small group of Lyretail Anthias
-Finally got around to rinsing and adding the sand which I think makes the tank look a whole lot better.
-Got my last Vortech and battery backup all installed and running.

The skimmer is breaking in pretty well. I have been e-mail Jon from WM about the micro bubble problem and he recommended that I elevate the output pipe to a PVC "T" and then into the filter sock until everything stabilizes out. That has cleared up the micro bubbles dramatically and I'm starting to get some good skimmate from it. Here are some updated tank pics.



some wiring mess:


